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Went to GenCon 2011

Troy Tucker

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Go to the Pathfinder: Core Rulebook page
Go to the Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Starter Set page
Go to the Dungeons & Dragons (4ed): Dungeon Master's Guide page
56 out of 67 gamers thought this was helpful

This is the best DMG that Dungeons and Dragons has produced. I have been playing D&D since the late 70’s and I have muddled through many different versions of this book. Some very user friendly, others.. not so much.
I was not a big fan of 4th edition. So the system specific rules that have in this book, I don’t pay much attention to.
However, there are many gems of wisdom for a new Dungeon Master. If I was a starting D&D player getting ready to run a game, this would be priceless.
As an experienced player, there are still many gems of information. How to… create a campain for your players to run around in, build an adventure, and even down to putting together an encounter…

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Say Anything

16 out of 32 gamers thought this was helpful

I went to Gen Con a couple of years ago and did the Cheese Weasel tour of the exhibit hall. I grudgingly went to the North Star Games booth only to get my stamp. I was used to games with books for rules, tons of tiny pieces, and some sort of exotic Sci-Fi or Fantasy setting. As I sat down to play this I knew this was a game not for me, but… I needed the stamp!
After a few minutes I was very surprised. This game is easy to learn and very fun. …an absolute breath of fresh air.
I was so impressed that I actually bought a copy of this and some of their other games.
So many times I have taken a game over to a friends house only to spend 2 hours learning/teaching the game. This is a game you could bring to a friend’s house and be ready to play in less than 5 minutes.
Looking for something fun and light… buy this game.

Go to the Cthulhu Dice page

Cthulhu Dice

40 out of 70 gamers thought this was helpful

The name is misleading, this should have been called Cthulhu Die, not dice since there is only one 12 sided in the game.
Of course you could spend upwards of 70 dollars for some of the better games out there with lots of parts and do-dads…. but this simple little gem still packs a lot of fun.
For the money… this is a must buy.

Perfect use of this game… If you are playing the Call of Cuthulhu RPG and your game master has to meet with another player out of the room for a private conference, whip this out. It helps you forget about the screaming in the other room 🙂

Go to the Dominion page


62 out of 175 gamers thought this was helpful

I really live this game. It’s fast fun and too the point. Also after getting burned a few times from…. Collectible card games, this is nice because all the cards are here, no booster packs to pour money into.

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