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Joe Lee
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About Me
I do love to game. Games I have been playing lately are Defenders of the Realm, Core Worlds, Star Trek: Fleet Captains, Eclipse, King of Tokyo and Arkham Horror. I am up for most types of games, but I admit to prefer games that take less than 3 hours to play. I am really big into deck building games and love all these new variants of that mechanic that are coming out.
Fish Cook
I have been playing this game for quite a while now. I played it since it was print and play and it is always a hit. I have found it goes well with my gamer group and as well as with family. It is a funny game and a strategic game as well. It is a game of being a fish cook and gathering your fish and ingredients in the morning and then cooking what you can in the evening and earning money for doing so. The art is cartoon-y and recipes have somewhat realistic and some funny names. It plays fast and fun. The fish market and ingredient market are both determined by a set of dice for each which are rolled and placed in the line that matches the numbers rolled.
The players buy ingredients one at a time until one runs out and then each player gets one more buy. And the person that caused the end of the buying phase becomes the first to cook. Each player starts off with a hand of family recipes that you can work on as well as the face up recipes in the cooking school. In the cooking school, you can buy the face up recipes, buy a random recipe from the top of the cooking school deck or just prepare one of the cooking school recipes in the evening and therefore claiming it from the cooking school. Also, once players have prepared a recipe from their hand they place it on the table to indicate that it is now on their menu. When a recipe is on a player’s menu they can re-make it multiple times, and other players can also prepare it and they make the money and have the ability to steal it and add it to their own menu. This matters because at the end of the game the player with the most of a size of a recipe will get a bonus. Each recipe has an amount a player gets paid when they prepare it and also a bonus amount. The bonus amount is only awarded when you prepare a recipe from your hand, one in your menu and when you buy from the cooking school. If you take a recipe from the cooking school instead of buying it, you get no money. If you cook a recipe in another players’ menu you get the paid amount but the owner gets the bonus, but you get the opportunity to steal it by rolling a die and if it equals or is more than the size of the recipe you steal it.
The players will prepare recipes one at a time going around until no one can prepare a meal and then you move the round marker and re-roll all the dice and start the next day. You play for 5 days and at the end of the game the player with the most money is the winner.