We Didn’t Playtest This At All
The most aptly named game ever! In this exceptionally silly and awesome game, your objective is to win! Simple enough.
Sadly, all of your opponents have the same simple goal, and they're trying to make you lose.
Between Rock Paper Scissors battles, being eaten by a random Dragon, or saved by a Kitten Ambush, there are many hazards to avoid.
Games last between 30 seconds and 5 minutes(if you play slow!), and specifically engineered to fit in maximum fun. Any number can play, though we recommend between 2 and 15. Rumors of 20 person games swirl around the Internet...
User Reviews (10)
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This is a quick and easy to learn card game where you draw a card, play a card, and do what the played card says. It’s pretty simple and the instructions are printed on a small one-sided square of paper.
The game feels like a bit of a Fluxx knockoff and not really in a good way. The charm that Loony Labs brings Fluxx is missing here, even if they try to work in the cute and fuzzy animals.
Games play simply, and ending the game can be even more simple… and random. One might win the game by being the shortest person in the room, or playing the correct choice in a game of rock, paper, scissors.
I love the idea of such random encounters, but in execution it falls flat. It makes the game feel a bit pointless and ruins the replay value some.
At best this is a good warm up game, or possibly an ice breaker. You won’t spend hours playing this with friends. They say the game is good for 2 – 15 players, and our experience has been that games last between 1 and 15 minutes.
Rule sheet
54 Cards
*Basic set comes with the Chaos Pack Expansion now
Remember rock paper scissors? How about Simon says?
This quick little filler game basically squeezes the concepts of these games into a card based format. We played this while waiting for pizza to arrive, and this was a great way to pass the 30 minutes.
The gameplay is seriously very simple. Everyone gets two cards. You pick one, and play it by reading the text and making sure you follow the instructions. Most instructions are ridiculous. “Put your hand on the shoulder of the person to the right of you. “Until your next turn, speak like Batman” or “begin everything you say with herp and end it with derp”. If you fail to follow these silly instructions, you usually lose.
There are also cards that require you to either hold up a number of fingers or play rock paper scissors. The twist is that if someone is holding up the wrong number or gesture, they lose. You can wipe out half the table with that kind of thing. In my experience, these cards aren’t as fun because it is essentially a gamble to guess the right thing. The first time it is cool, but after that its just annoying.
There are also cards that can make you automatically win or lose the game. This sounds game breaking…but if you play the game you will realize it is not. I don’t want to give away surprises, but win cards don’t always translate into solid wins.
The cards themselves aren’t fancy, but they really don’t need to be. They have a basic text-based aesthetic that resembles Cards Against Humanity (but without the crude, vulgar kind of humor).
The biggest issue I have is someone usually doesn’t enjoy the game because they get eliminated immediately. As in before they even get their turn. There are other filler games that aren’t quite so brutal and unforgiving on first time players. That being said, it does make people laugh because you get to watch your buds make laughingstocks of themselves, and that makes even ****** experiences all the better.
Most of the previous reviews for this game are spot on. This game is a revel of randomness and surprises and hilarity. The objective is simple: to win. If you lose, you have not won; if all others lose, you have won; if everyone loses, no one wins. (Also, should a player gain 15 points — or 10 purple pony points — they win.) The rules are equally simple: each begin with a hand of two cards; the first player is selected as randomly as possible; a turn begins by drawing a card, and ends by playing a card and following its instructions. And so on.
Seriously. You just read the cards.
I agree with other reviews, 3-6 players is best (less means games are too short, more is too chaotic). This game is definitely for the Family, Social, and Casual Gamers among us, but if they can suspend their need for higher thinking and domination, my Strategic and Power Gamer friends have found this game to be a riot.
However, I will disagree with my formidable fellow reviewers on one point: there is a method to the madness here. There are families of cards that employ certain kinds of actions.
Forced Choice: These cards — like “Battle!” (Rock-Paper-Scissors), “Presents!” (accept the present, or refuse it?), “Cake or Death” (yes, the Eddie Izzard sketch), “Numbers” (on 3, show a number between 1 and 5), and “You Win!” (literally, you win…if…) — demand all or certain players to choose. The card uses the results of players’ choices (or identity, or clothing, or the weather…) to determine the consequences: Victory! Defeat? Playing on…
Hand/Game Alteration: Some of these cards will allow you to steal another player’s card (“Penguins” or “Ninjas”), or take another turn (“Bomb”, which also creates a sort of countdown, because if four “Bombs” are face up, everyone loses), or remove certain pronouns from players’ speech for the duration of the game (yep…“They”, “You”, “Me”), or just plain silliness (“Poke”).
Attack/Defense: The remaining cards can either be played in front of other players, who will lose the game if said card remains there at the end of their next turn (these cards range from such delights as “Dragon” and “Arrowed” — a couple Homestar Runner references, there — and “Black Hole” and “Lasers”), or played to reverse or counter attacks and consequences (like “Spite” or “Science” or “Zoom!!”).
I also own the expansion “We Didn’t Playtest this Either”, and it’s more of the same, adding variety and more jokes to the game.
In the end, this game is light, fast, unpredictable, and fun. Knowing these family of card actions doesn’t really help or hurt your playing. It’s explained in a sentence, sets up in seconds, and plays through in minutes. Its replay value is very high, because there are multiples of each card, each with different win/lose/play consequences. The cards are simple and straightforward. “We Didn’t Playtest this At All” fits in easily as a great filler while we set up more complicated games like “7 Wonders” or “Dominion”. I rate this game easily a 9 for its quick wit and quick play. Try it!
This is the kind of dumb that works perfectly in two-minute bursts. It’ll frequently take longer to shuffle and deal the cards than it will to play the game. The winners might just as easily be chosen at random. For all that makes it sound mediocre though, it works as a fun, dumb little activity.
Unlike something like Killer Bunnies, which can take hours to no satisfying conclusion, We Didn’t Playtest This never overstays its welcome. It may not keep your crowd satisfied for much more than 20 minutes, but those 20 minutes will typically be full of senseless, pointless fun for the sake of senseless, pointless fun (and isn’t that the whole point?). And, as pointed out by Fuzzy Wendigo, nobody has to walk away feeling ashamed of the grotesquely offensive joke “the cards made them play”, i.e. CAH.
If you like Flux but want something with a bit less rules contortionism, try this one out. It will be dumb, but sometimes dumb is exactly what you need.
The makers appear to be telling the truth about not play-testing this. It feels very thrown together on a whim and loosely structured.
Components are simply cards. They are good quality, easy to read and understand and usually amusing. Included in the set is an optional “Chaos Deck” and several blank cards. One or two Chaos Cards can be included per game to liven things up, not that the game needs to livelier, and blank cards are included so that you may make your own goofy cards.
Game play is simple; each player is dealt 2 cards. On their turn each player draws one car and plays one card, all instructions on on the cards a little like Fluxx except that it’s much more random that Fluxx. The cards are very silly doing things like banning words or pointing, instructing players to play Rock-Paper-Scissors or declaring to a card holder “You Win!” as long as you match the condition on the card.
This game is silly, fast-paced and lots of fun. It plays very quickly, sometimes a little too quickly. My family played this it last night and we had a blast, we laughed and argued about the cards and laughed some more. We all enjoyed it; ages 11, 17, 20 and us “adults.” At about $15, with good replay-ability, it is worth the price tag.
I played this several times with some friends who love Munchkin and similar games. Weird should be good right? Well sort of…
We enjoyed the randomness, and you have to be prepared for quite how random this is. There is zero stratergy here. But it is entertaining and the cards are humorous. There are great inclusive mechanics based on rock paper scissors / counting fingers.
So why the low rating? Well it’s actually too fast! Playing with between 3 and 5 players we rarely got two rounds of play. More than once the game was won / lost before more than one person had even had a chance to look at their cards. This is hugely frustrating, and often you will spend more time shuffling and dealing the cards than playing the game. It’s a shame because this obviously could be a great game – if it were playtested!
I was introduced to this game while standing in line at FanExpo in Boston. A few people were playng in front of me and asked if I would like to join. I said I didn’t know how, and they responded, “It doesn’t matter.” Exactly 1 minute later I won.
This game is quick, easy, fun and most of all random. For example the first time I won it was being average. I was not the tallest or shortest person playing, nor was I the oldest or youngest. And thus I won the game, as per the card I drew.
The basis of this game are simple: draw 3 cards, on your turn play one card, do what the card says. What could be more simple then that.
There is an expansion called “We Didn’t Playtest This Either.”
Super simple instructions, basically read the cards and pay attention. The games I experienced rarely made it past three rounds and were most likely to finish in round 1 or 2. We played with three people, and it seemed that 3-5 would be the right number, more would be overwhelming and most games would end before you get to play a card.
I would recommend this if you only have a few moments and need to get that card game fix, but this is not a game meant for extended play as it gets extremely repetitive and requires less strategy and more luck of the draw. This is a great game for young ADD gamers just getting into card games, reinforces that it is very important to read the cards.
Upside: Quick play and Active.
Downside: Repetitive, Over too fast.
I have never seen such blatant truth in a game title. WDPTAL is a VERY light filler game that offers a ton of laughs. There is a tiny (very tiny) bit of strategy but mostly the game is about seizing the opportunities to make other players loose. (The goal of the game in not to loose rather than to win.) I find that WDPTAL scratches the same itch as Fluxx but is less likely to last too long.
At gen con indy 2012, the sales pitch was only three words to sum up the game. “pure chaos. Fast”. I picked up a pack along with chaos edition. It played in 45 seconds when I got home. Lots of laughs and easy to join in. Better with three or more players. Instructions were very simple explaining that if I win, then I win. If everyone else loses, and I don’t, then I still win! The name of the game says it all as well. Anything that brings up questions on gameplay just falls into house rules.