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About Me
I play Warmachine/Hordes, Mordheim, Sentinels of the Multverse, Arkham Horror, Mansions of Madness, Thunderstone, Dominion, Zombie Dice, Cthulu Dice, LOTR RISK, Game of Thrones Card Game, VS System, Space Hulk, etc...
King of Tokyo: Power Up!
I recently got this expansion to the original King of Tokyo and here what I have seen from its game play so far.
New Stuff:
1 new character, a giant Samurai Panda (visible on the cover art) and a plastic stand for the hard cardboard cut out of the character.
8 new Evolution cards for all seven character (Panda included).
A some new token, which a few of the Evolution cards reference.
Game Play:
With the addition of the Evolution card the game seems to last a little longer as players are now given extra incentive to attempt to roll hearts instead of Claws. With that said once the game does begin to swing towards destruction it fly’s by as a lot of the Evolution cards can add damage.
Evolution Cards: (first impression)
All characters are grouped into 3 groups; Monsters, Aliens and Robots. Robots Evolution cards seem to deal more with lighting bolts/power. Monsters Evolution cards tend to deal with damage/claws. Alien Evolution cards tend to deal with hearts/health. These are only general themes as each character is different. Gigasaur (a Monster) for example deals mostly with making other players lose points.
FYI: Mecha-Dragon does a lot of damage. I mean a lot! Do not let him get up and running or he can do a lot of damage. With the perfect roll (i.e. all Claws) it is possible for him to do 9 damage, and this is before you include any standard cards.