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Critic (lvl 3)
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8378 xp
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2435 xp
About Me
I am a university researcher with an old flair for boardgames. I have gone through periods of obsessions with card games, miniature games (40K ftw!), war games (especially Squad Leader), and social games (Carcassonne is still a favourite).
Nowadays I enjoy most games, but I lean towards those which have strong themes, great re-playability, and that are not too time-consuming (such as 7 Wonders).
A Journey to Rhosgobel Adventure Pack
A Journey to Rhosgobel is the third adventure pack for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game and the third installment in the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle (consisting of six adventure packs), which revolves around the search for Gollum in the vicinity of Mirkwood and the Anduin River. The heroes is following Gollum’s trail (which they picked up in The Hunt for Gollum) and have just helped the Beornings against a group of trolls (in Conflict at the Carrock) when the trail takes them back towards Mirkwood and Rhosgobel, the home of the istari Radagast. Close to Rhosgobel they find a severely injured Wilyador (a giant eagle), who needs their help getting to Radagast to be healed.
The quest
The quest included in A Journey to Rhosgobel is—once again—quite different from the previous quests (the ones found in the base game and in the previous adventure packs). I am astonished at how well the designers at Fantasy Flight Games manage to vary the gaming experience through extensively different quests, at the same time as very few rules (often none at all) have to be added to accomplish it. This quest is quite challenging, with a nominal difficulty level of 6, but it can be managed with most decks as long as you have one player with some Lore cards (with healing abilities). It is playable both in solo mode and multi-player mode and I have really enjoyed it in both configurations.
The hero
The hero included in A Journey to Rhosgobel is Prince Imrahil, a Gondor noble with a truly great trait [Response: After a character leaves play, ready Prince Imrahil. (Limit once per round.)]. It works especially well in a Leadership deck (and Imrahil belongs to the sphere of Leadership), since you often have a fair amount resources and can add cheap allies. This means you can use Imrahil for questing or defense and still get to use his great attack value (3) if you just sacrifice a ally to an enemy attack. His has Willpower 2, Attack 3, Defense 2, Hit Points 4, and a threat cost of 12. I have included in every Leadership deck since I bought A Journey to Rhosgobel and I haven’t regretted it once.
The new allies, attachments, and events
There are several great player cards included in A Journey to Rhosgobel. My favorite belongs to Leadership: Dúnedain Quest, an attachment (cost 2) that gives a hero +1 Willpower (and it can be moved to another hero if you pay 1 resource from the attached hero’s pool). Leadership also gets a new event card, Parting Gifts (cost 0), which lets you move any number of resource tokens from a Leadership hero to any other hero, a great addition for Leadership decks (which often have a good enough influx of resource tokens). A similar card for Lore decks is the event card Infighting (cost 1), which for a very low cost lets you move any number of damage from one enemy to another (a great way to wear down hard-to-kill enemies such as trolls). Spirit decks get a very useful ally, Escort from Edoras (cost 2), who is removed from play after questing, but on the other hand adds 4 Willpower to that single quest (he has Attack 0, Defense 0, and Hit Points 1). Tactics deck will benefit from the ally Landroval, a giant eagle (cost 5) who besides being a sentinel also has a smashing ability: “Response: After a hero card is destroyed, return Landroval to his owner’s hand to put that hero back into play, with 1 damage token on it. (Limit once per game.)”. And it does not end with these carda; there are a few more useful player cards included, beside the ones mentioned here.
A Journey to Rhosgobel contains a lot of really nice player cards. In fact, it is the adventure pack with the greatest addition of player cards (this far). Moreover, it includes a wonderful quest, which gives a great gaming experience for both solo and multi-player modes. A Journey to Rhosgobel is without a doubt the best adventure pack this far, which really makes me look forward to all the ones I haven’t tried yet. If FFG can keep up the variation and replay value of their LoTR:LCG products in this way, it will render loads of great gaming time to an already intriguing game.