The Meeples Court
gamer level 5
3355 xp
3355 xp
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Gamer - Level 5
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
585 xp
585 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
617 xp
617 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
250 xp
250 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
120 xp
120 xp
About Me
The Meeples Court is looking to bring quality video board game reviews to those interested in trying new games. While we haven't started filming yet, we're excited about the future!
Arkham Horror
I’ll start by justifying my score of 3 stars for replayability.
While each game is different and it’s fun every time, the time required for it SEVERELY limits its replayability. Even with my group of experienced gamers, some games can take more then three hours.
Beyond that, it is a REALLY fun game if you’re into the theme. It’s as though you’re acting out a story in the game, and (oddly enough) there’s more fun in losing the game, as winning can be fairly anticlimactic.
If you’re new to gaming, I would not recommend starting here, but this is a great game to work yourself up to!