Jagged Age
gamer level 7
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21983 xp
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El Dorado
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Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions ...learn more »

Stone of the Sun
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Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions ...learn more »

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Rosetta Stone
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Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
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745 xp
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5616 xp
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932 xp
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1259 xp
About Me
I'm rather new to the board gaming scene but I feel I've jumped in with both feet. Of the games I have played I love playing games with lots of strategy in them. I love learning new mechanics, so new games all the time is awesome for me. I do however have a hard time finding people to play with. I live in a small city in Canada BC, love this place but our FLGS is a used bookstore with a small shelf for board games. I've checked the meetup website, the facebook route, the BGG route and there is nobody. On BGG there was one post of one person saying they were stopping through if anyone was interested in playing. That was from 2 years prior to me reading it and nobody had replied. My gaming consists of gather friends and teaching them new games, this works pretty well but very few of them are keen on playing very many times let alone learning new games so it can be a little tricky. That being said I'll find whoever is willing and I'll show them a new game from my collection as I went a little crazy and bought more than I can play. I have found that games that allow me to play through solo help as I can thoroughly learn the game before trying to teach new people.
The Resistance: Avalon
My Thoughts
Avalon Resistance like its predecessor is a game that is more about talking, explaining, and lying to each other than it is about playing a game however it works, and it works well. It does outshine the original it its replay value as it has added multiple optional roles that can be used to spice up the game in different was. This game has you questioning your friends and lets you on how deceptive they really can be,
Most of the components are of really nice, you have thick tiles which are always really nice and multiple game boards depending on how many players you have. If I had one complaint it would be about the paint on the game tiles scratch away too easy which can be a drag when certain scratches if paid attention to could reveal way too much information.
Setup of the game is pretty easy as there aren’t too many things to setup. First you choose the game board depending on how many people are playing, you deal out everyone’s roles secretly then you give everyone their voting tiles and you’re pretty much done the physical setup the rest is verbal. Generally one person is designated as the announcer and should be familiar with the game, they get everyone to close their eyes and have only the traitors open them, then they close their eyes and put up their thumbs and Merlin opens his eyes to see who the bad guys are and it continues in this fashion depending on the roles put into the game.
Game play
You go around the circle having to choose who will go with you on a quest and if you trust the person next to you or not. Whether the group you selected will get approved after everybody votes on if the group should be allowed to go, or if people will think you are a traitor because you chose not to send yourself. If the vote is in favor of the mission going head then the people chosen are given pass and fail cards and put in whichever they choose. If all the cards are a pass the mission was successful, rinse and repeat. If there is a least one fail card in there then the whole mission fails and you know you have a traitor in your midst… but who could it be? I know its not me so it must be you… or you?
This is a simple game for slightly larger gaming groups. It is relatively easy to teach but can still take some time to have a grasp of what is going on, and potentially a lifetime to master. It will have you questioning your friends and arguing about why something was or was not a bad move. It’s a lot of fun to play and most want to a second play through after their first experience.