Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Miniatures Games

Role-Playing Games

On Indiegogo

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I already pledge a few bucks on 2 games just to get the feeling of being part of a project and It makes me feel good about it. Good feeling, low cost, no risk ….I Like that
And from what I hear and read about Kickstarter I might backed one game from time to time in order to get it before release.
Granny, what a wonderful summary.
Ob1, I started backing Kickstarter games about 1.5 years ago and have already received 2/3 of what I backed. I find it a very positive and rewarding experience. Often I see a project I really like but I know I shouldn’t get the game due to cost or fact that it’s unlikely to get played. In these cases I like to give 5-10 bucks to the project just to support the creators.
The main draw of KS for me is not “get the game before release” but “if it’s not for you, there won’t be a release”.
Pledging there you make people’s dreams come true.
@ Granny
Thanks for your comment its really appreciated
I think the biggest issue with getting hooked into backing Kickstarter projects is that some of them turn out half-baked. Some games sound great in theory, but turn out to have bad rule books, or obviously weren’t play-tested enough. Even some of the established companies that you might assume to be trustworthy have put out some games that are not quite ready (Queen has done this a couple times).
As far as games not getting made at all. I’ve backed more than a hundred games, and only 2 seem to be dead in the water…Odin’s Ravens was a con, and Dice Age appears to have been dragged out so long the creator isn’t even trying anymore. Ironically, one of the early games I backed 3 years ago…and one of the strangest stories so far…Katalyka was a game I thought would never get made. The designer appeared to be absolutely crazy. However, to the amazement of the 85 backers who took a chance on this lady, she appears to finally be printing up the games and sending them out. Is it crazy genius…or just plain crazy? We’ll see.
Now, why should you back anything on Kickstarter? Well, I think the best part of backing is discovering new talent and games that probably would not have been picked up by larger publishers. Some of my favorite games would have been too niche or controversial, but Kickstarter has given them the opportunity to get made… I played the original Sentinels of the Multiverse (came in a flat box that barely held all the cards) and Cards Against Humanity. Red Raven, Stonemeir, Dice Hate Me, Indie Boards and Cards, Cool Mini or Not, and Tiny Minstrel Games all got started on Kickstarter and still use it as their platform for pre-sale. For years, Resistance was the end of night game of choice thanks to Kickstarter.
Good or bad, Kickstarter has definitely changed the game industry. IMO it’s been mostly for good. I’d just be careful to make sure there is a rule set firmly in place, and if you have the time to whip out a print and play version…go for it! Every now and again, I stop for awhile…but usually regret it because I missed something awesome. So, I keep an eye on KS and back 2-3 per month. If anything, I feel like I’m contributing to some fledgling designers.
I’m relatively new with Kickstarters and I think it’s really interesting to be part of a project and sometimes to receive a game before his release.
Do you always received the items you have backed or some of you have horror story to tell.
I just want to gage the risk level before getting too excited backing games
I just added Bomb Squad from Tiny Minstrel Games. It looks fantastic!
Also, The Orcfather is a strange name, but I backed it for it’s ability to go up to ten players in a team versus team bluffing game. My game group loves Resistance, One Night, and Coup. The Orcfather and New Salem are going to fit right in.
I am on 3 of them projects, Dead Men Tell No Tales, Galaxy of Trian and Dragon Tides.
I am addicted
I’m on the fence with DEAD MAN TELL NO TALES.
I still have a week to make my mind
As a couple of others I’m also supporting the indiegogo campaigns for Watch it Played and Pair of Dice Paradise. This second one can really use your help – Chaz is a great guy and he puts out quality content that deserves support.
As for Kickstarters – I really wanted to go for Dead Men Tell No Tales, but at $61 base support level for Canadians it’s not looking great at the moment 🙂
@Chopper Dan
My friend “Chaz” thanks you a lot for supporting his Pair of Dive Paradise endeavors. He puts a lot of extra time into those videos, as he owns a separate business for making money…so PoD is a labor of love. He would like to be able to do more videos and any help will make it easier. When I talk about game days (like tomorrow), it most likely means I’m going to a Pair of Dice Paradise game day in Creswell (as opposed to the quarterly EGG game days in Eugene). We have a great group, and Chuck…I mean CHAZ…got it started. Good times!
Thanks for adding those other games.
I feel like I should be announcing this in front of a recovery group, but for the first time in the 2 & 1/2 years I’ve been on Kickstarter, I’m not currently backing any projects!
….Though I am currently backing two on Indiegogo (Watch It Played and the Pair of Dice Paradise fundraisers for their respective video channels). Old habits die hard 🙂
There are a number of things I am keeping my eye on (Clockwork Kingdon, Skyway Robbery, Dead Men Tell No Tales, Rise of the Kage), but nothing is really standing out as a “must buy” or something unique that needs support. I guess I’m becoming better at being more selective in my support, which will certainly make my wallet happy!
I added a few more games based on everyone’s comments and one that recently launched:
• New Salem
• Warband
• Nightlight
• Rise of the Kage
I also said I was done with backing kickstarters then I saw Dead Men Tell No Tales. And then same day my King’s Forge Kickstarter shows up.
I’d like to echo @Granny here. Not sure why it didn’t make this list (the Puritan & Witch theme?) but everyone should check out New Salem:
It’s got drafting. It’s got set collection. It’s got The Resistance-style bluffing and social interaction. And it’s only $26. This is the only Kickstarter I’m really, really stoked for right now. Check it out.
Even though I’d like to stop buying Kickstarter games, there are a few here that are worth a look…
Poseidon’s Kingdom ~ The first edition of this game is selling for $200 on Ebay. It’s a great family game with cool pieces. Yes, I have the original, but will probably sell it after buying this.
Slap 45 ~ A game by the Cards Against Humanity dudes. Sophomore slump or more magic?
Galaxy of Trian ~ May be a Carcassonne killer.
WARBAND~ Looks like an amazing game, but needs more love.
Dead Men Tell No Tales ~ Looks like a winner here.
New Salem ~ Read the description and tell me this doesn’t sound like a great game night opener.
There are a few others that could be good like Skyway Robbery…but I will wait until they come out.
My carry-overs: Nightlight, Hyground Terrain Tiles, Warband: Against the Darkness, Dead Men Tell No Tales and Clockwork Kingdom.
I have four new backings since our last update:
Roar-a-Saurus: I probably wouldn’t be backing this if I hadn’t backed the Flash Point expansion due at the same time. Since it’s so cheap for backers of the previous campaigns it seemed silly not to back.
Dragon Tides: I’m not a martial arts fan and I’ve never seen a Bruce or Brandon Lee movie, but the game looks pretty and I’ve enjoyed the engine that runs Sentinel Tactics. I am half expecting the creators to cancel the campaign out of disappointment that it won’t overfund, though.
Poseidon’s Kingdom: this one blew me away. What a unique (and cute) game. Because of the way these guys “release” their games (limited to 1,000 copies, with further copies produced only if a larger distributor picks up the game as is the case here) I had never heard of them or Poseidon’s Kingdom, but now I can’t wait for it.
Coconuts Duo: I’m not that into dexterity games – the only one I’ve tried and liked is Rampage. But as my son gets older I’m going to need a few games like this on hand, and I’ve seen enough reviews that mention this is “fun for adults too” that make this seem like a good choice.
Dead Men Tell No Tales looks pretty sweet, but I’ll save my money.
Backed Dead Men Tell No Tales last week and excited to see us get to stretch goals.
Compounded: Geiger Counter funded last week with all the stretch goals and I am excited to get it in March of next year.
Other than those two I too need to back off for a bit and wait for these to come in.
Must… stop… backing games… spending… too much money…