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About Me
I enjoy cooperative games with my family and friends. We have one 8 y/o daughter who loves games so we are constantly spending our evenings playing board games with her. I am always on the look out for great family games. We also like to play games when friends or family come over.
Incan Gold
I bought this game for two reasons, based on the reviews below and on video reviews. First, I wanted a simple filler game that didn’t require much strategy but was fun and quick. Second, I wanted a game that would be fun with a small group of 2-3 and a large group of 8.
Incan Gold meets both these requirements in spades:
The basic victory condition is to have the most gems at the end of 5 rounds of play. The path to victory lies in exploring the creepy temple and avoiding traps while picking up every gem that lies in your path. The fun starts when you all simultaneously vote to either go deeper into the temple or decide to take your gems and scurry back to the safety of camp. If you go deeper flip a card over and it can be either a fixed number of gems that you split evenly with other brave explorers, a trap card that shakes your nerves a bit unless it is the second trap of the same kind which scares you from the temple causing you to drop all your loot and return to camp empty handed, or finally it could be a valuable artifact.
For those brave adventures that continue to explore great treasure awaits but also danger lurks around every corner as traps are quite common. For those that are more sensible and know when to get while the getting is good you can snag a few extra gems that were left on the ground as the exploration party went deeper, and if your the only one to head back to camp you get any artifacts that were along the path. But if your party are a bunch of cowards or greedy sneak thieves who turn back in a group no one gets the left over gems or artifacts.
This game is great no matter the group size, it plays quick since it is a simultaneous turn and the 5 rounds are fast. You hide your gems in your tent so that no one else can see the fortune you’ve amassed. At the end of the 5th round you count up all your loot and someone is declared the winner.
I would recommend this game to all ages, it is simple to teach and fun to play.