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This week’s Explorable Favorites (Aug 25)

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 25-Aug-14 | 11 comments

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This Week’s Explorable Games

This round of Explorable Favorites is from member Brady. The games selected from their Favorites shelf were:

These games will be explorable until next Monday, September 1st.

After you’ve explored these games, let us know what you think about them in the comments below!

Comments (11)

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I wish this site had a “keep an eye on” or “want to play” category. I would defiantly add Bruges to that list.

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These are two interesting games by two of my favorite designers that are more about mechanisms than theme. The interesting thing to me is that I feel like Chudyk designs are built around a theme, but the bland or lame art used makes you focus on the mechanics. Glory to Rome is one of my favorite card games, and with better art would most likely be considered a classic. But, the original art is *ugly*, and the art used in the deluxe edition was very stark.

On the other side of the spectrum, Feld games are obviously started from the mechanisms, and rarely bother trying to convince you of the theme. They are all about the different engines he builds and how you learn to use them. You could paste any number of themes on his games, and people wouldn’t notice. In fact, you could probably put bland art on a Feld game, and the faithful would buy it and not complain.

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Ditto on thanks for the Bruges reminder!

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El Dorado
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@ Stargazer1

Same thing for me….dont want to buy Bruge but I would like to try it…except that I don’t know any one that owns the game.

I will get Pillar of the earth before Bruge

Too much good games to play… it’s sad to let go some good games

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Gamer - Level 8
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Bruges really took me by surprise as I didn’t expect to like it so much despite being a fan of Stefan Feld. Easy, but still a lot of depth to it.

Innovation is a game I would like to play more, but then I would have to play it a lot more. It is a game I feel you have to play quite often to somewhat keep track of all cards and abilities. Not only your opponents effects but also your own. I’ve heard very good things of the team variant though when playing with 4.

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El Dorado
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Didn’t care much for Innovation. I found some of the mechanics, such as skipping ages, to be odd.

When it first came out, I was very interested in Bruges. I like many Feld games. The mechanics and game play sounded interesting. However, I was never quite able to pull the trigger and pick it up. I still want to give this one a try.

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Old Bones
Sentinels of the Multiverse fan

Thanks for reminding me about Bruges, I had already seen the Dice Tower review and it looked interesting to me. I like games that have many paths to victory and would like to try a game or two.

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El Dorado
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I like the explorable: makes me discover new games

Bruge was on my list but I didn’t know about Innovation

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@Kaleb, when the site first launched we didn’t have a minimum word count set for reviews, so there were a lot of short entries. After adding the min word count the reviews became much more useful and informative.

In terms of the time requirement between rating reviews, we added that to discourage “fly by” rating clicks. It’s usually not something you encounter much, but I can see if there are a lot of short entries it would come up.

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I play purple
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Why does Innovation have so many 1-2 line reviews? These should be in the discussion section rather than reviews. I can’t rate several because the site says I need to take longer to rate. :-\

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I play purple
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Bruges is wonderful! Great combination of mechanics, though you need to protect those cards! 🙂

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