Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Miniatures Games

Role-Playing Games

Other Board Game Related Projects

On Indiegogo

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Top Upcoming Games on kickstarter: If you’re a fan of a kickstarter game and it’s been added to our site, you can help it move up in the popularity list by visiting its game page, giving it hearts and clicking the “Want it” button!
Lamp Light Games (The Makers of Space Junk) launched their 2nd Game, Nautilus Industries on Kickstarter today!!!
I saw there was a new mafia game as well, The Lounge. Art looks pretty cool and the project owner was pretty transparent as to the breakdown of what the funds were for, which I like.
Co-op games have been a great hit in my family the past couple of months. Might get lift off. Love the art work and the theme!
Dead man draw app is great. I have been playing it for a few months now. Great little card drawing game.
District-Z… I’m usually all for Zombie games but there are just too many now to keep up with. Forcing me to sit back and wait for one to emerge as “the best” before I buy anymore.
Well based on the discussion about Compounded this week I jumped in and grabbed the original game and the expansion. First time supporting Kickstarter, signed up and everything because of you guys.
My wife thanks you.
Thanks for putting up Indiegogo ones. I’ve tried searching there but don’t find it as easy as Kickstarter makes it to find board games, outside of Mario Kart, video games don’t get much replay in my house.
This week I’m in for:
Virus, Casual Game Insider Magazine, Dead Man’s Draw (take 2), Compounded expansion, and just got in on Lift Off!
I was in for Malpractice which didn’t even come close. Hopefully, they’ll learn from their experience and come back better with more gameplay info.
Yeah, I’m also super-amped for:
I’ve been chatting to both designers/publishers on twitter and they’re great guys.
I also LOVE Dead Man’s Draw on iOS, so that was a no-brainer for me.
Other than those I’m in for:
Resistance exp.
8-min empire exp.
Hostage Negotiator.
Oh and I’m supporting:
Watch It Played (over on Indigogo)
A good but expensive week 🙂
Both Fidelitas and Lift Off! look amazing. Am trying to rationalize how I don’t have money to give them, but expect I’ll succumb to their lures soon.
What a Friday morning for kickstarter! Above I just added The Front Nine, Fidelitas, Compounded: Geiger Expansion, Agens of Smersh: The Ultimate Collection and Asteroid Miner!!
I’d add The Front Nine, a neat-looking resource management and spacial game about creating a golf course. It’s a self-published game that Richard “Rahdo” Ham did a rave review for it a couple of months ago for a very limited release of 50 copies. The creator sold out of all of them within 8 hours of Rahdo’s review. And it even comes in a wooden box!
I’ll be adding a couple more to this list over the weekend (the expansion to Compounded and Asteroid Miner).