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About Me
I'll give just about any game a shot! I prefer games that are easy to learn and are able to work with just two players. Also, because my main gaming partner is colorblind, I am always on the lookout for games that are not heavily color-based! Current favorites: Compounded, Rampage, and Monty Python Fluxx.
General: A nice step up into “heavier” gaming for the casual gamer. Plays with a mix of luck and strategy. No science background needed.
Game board and pieces: Each player gets a “work bench” to store their elements, keep track of experiment levels, and hold tools they have earned. The compound cards are an odd square-ish size, but nice thickness and should hold up well over many plays. The elements are small odd-sided plastic pieces in five colors: clear, yellow, blue, green, red, and black. FYI – they don’t feel very good if stepped on with bare feet; not Lego level pain, but discomfort nonetheless.
There is also a scoring board that uses the periodic table of elements to keep track of your points.
Set up: Compound cards are dealt out onto the field, the remaining are stacked with lab fires spaced throughout.
Playing Mechanism: Players take turns drawing elements in an attempt to fill compound cards to gain points and level up experiments on their work bench, expand their lab abilities and become the reigning King of the Lab! Watch out for lab fires and exploding compounds. The game relies on both luck and strategy. Elements are collected through blind draws, but earned abilities can allow you to keep one from a completed compound, and gaining the ability to draw and retain more elements through leveling up.
Playing Time: 30+ min for 2 players, 45+ min for 3+ players
Expansion: Not at the time of this writing, but I believe one is in development.
Pros: I love the theme! I don’t think there are enough science themed games.
Also, I am extremely grateful that the designers included a mechanism to allow for two player play.
Cons: Many of the game components are quite small. Also, color discernment is necessary to play, the element pieces are only distinguishable by color. My color-blind gamer is able to play, but has a problem telling two of the element colors apart unless they are side by side.
There is a learning curve, so be sure your gamer friends have their patience when breaking this one out the first few times.
Overall thoughts: I really like this game and could play it every day. It is my first choice when asked what I want to play. The rest of my small gaming circle prefer games a bit lighter, but do not groan when I suggest it.