Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Board & Card Games

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

Gaming Music, Software & Accessories

@Paladin I poked my head in on Tokaido and saw what you saw: a regular Brimstorm – a phrase I dedicate to the 24/7 acid pool the comments section of Shadows over Brimstone became
My favorite comment being ‘I see some new faces here – I have a 2 page FAQ of everything that is wrong with this campaign if anyone would like me to post it’ Way to help bring in the money…
Flawed or Not. Mineshafting or Not. The aptly shortened SoB gave you two game sets and about 30 freebie stretchies for $100. If I had a time machine I would like to see how much that campaign could have done if everyone just kept their mouths shut. I have a feeling those Minecarts would have been a lot fuller no matter what your pledge level.
KickLife Lesson: Sometimes Backers can be their own worst enemy.
I wish Tokaido the best – in spite of their ‘support’ group
OK! Son-of-a-monkey! My wallet cannot handle all this gaming goodness. There’s really too much this month on Kickstarter…
Kingdom Builder Big Box: I’m not getting this, because I already have the two expansions… but this is a fantastic deal, and a great game.
Heroes Of Metro City: Sidekicks & Storylines: NOT yet! I’m not backing this either, but only because I have a lot of Superhero games and Heroes Wanted looks the most different in game play. I could be wrong, and will check it out again (over soon).
Heroes Wanted: Backed it! The game play looks cool for this one. I’m still not 100 percent sold, and may drop it and wait for more reviews. We’ll see.
Shipwrights of the North Sea: Backed it! I absolutely love the art, and the game looks perfect for the family. The rulebook is organized and easy to follow (large file to download).
Migration: Backed it! Art, concept and game play look fantastic! I can’t wait to get my hands on it.
Kill Shakespeare: Backed it! This is by the same designers as Yedo. I’m watching to see if there are any warning signs. I want to see a rulebook. However… it is looking interesting.
TOKAIDO – COLLECTOR’S EDITION: Backed it! I like Tokaido, and don’t have a copy yet. This is going to be awesome!!!!
Tower: Backed it! The game play for this looks great. The rulebook is up, and there are already quite a few reviews.
Town Center 4th edition: Backed it! I missed this game last time, and won’t miss it again. It’s not much like anything else, and I like a variety.
Hoyuk: NOT yet! I can’t back everything, but this game looks really good.
Fireteam Zero: NOT yet! This game might be good, but I feel it focuses too much on having Cool minis. I love cool minis, but I want a good game too. We’ll see!
Robots on the Line: NOT yet! But, this one is probably destined to be backed. Wow! Another great game shows up on KS in a month full of great games.
I’ve also waffled on Arcadia Quest and Guild Ball (almost a yes on Slaughterball until it was cancelled). My problem with these games is the cost per fun factor. Arcadia would probably just gather dust, and Guild Ball is a 2-player game. Slaughterball played 4… a huge plus! For some reason, Dreadball annoys me, and I don’t like the designs (2-player only as well).
So, in summary, I will be going broke early this month again. Please, don’t ask to borrow any money.
I was SO close to pledging early bird for Arcadia — but the chibi just KILLS it for me. I felt like I should grab it and scoop up all of the KS exclusive swag they’re going to fund, as CMON Kickstarters do, then sell it later. But the little investor bird in me decided to throw $50 – $75 a pop at several other projects, and I do like to buy groceries once in a while.
DEFINITELY check out Migration if you get a chance, folks. Watch the play video — seeing the game played out really showcases its uniqueness and the thought that went into the mechanics. I jumped in during the first few hours and have been watching it almost as eagerly as I’ve been watching Tower.
The Tokaido collector’s edition looks beautiful and made me want to play the original game, but holy moley — the comments section over there is a poo storm. Hope FunForge organizes themselves a bit better and works out the kinks in this one.
I’ve been riding the Kickstarter dragon for awhile now, and these occasional floods of interesting projects at one time do take a toll. This time around I had to jump in on the Heroes of Metro City art pledges (Great game and fantastic deal for professional art as @Hai mentioned) and I’m dipping my toe into Arcadia in case it explodes into awesomeness.
I had become obsessed with following the activities of Slaughterball and Dreadball on an hourly basis over the last couple of weeks, so it may be a good thing for me that Slaughterball is stepping back for a few months and re-launching. And since I was all-in on both, this will be a pleasant spreading of the financial burden. But as mentioned here before, I was more excited for Slaughterball, so it’s a little bittersweet.
I dropped my EB on Inceptor after spending some time with the game play videos this weekend. @Granny had it right last week – it’s basically just roll-and-move, and not for me.
Also got behind Robots on the Line immediately on launch last weekend. I believe the designer is one of our own – @pbhunter. Looks like a solid gateway game.
Glad to see Joe Cannon on here repping Migration. I was sold on it immediately, and as it will hit many (if not all) of its current stretch goals, I’m looking forward to Migration as much as Lagoon.
I’m hoping Slaughterball‘s relaunch is as successful as Fireteam Zero‘s. I’m not backing Fireteam, but I’m really impressed that they shut down a struggling-to-fund campaign and relaunched to massive success within a month. Really positive sign for some of these deserving but expensive to manufacture games that whiff on their first KS attempt.
So many goodies, so little money…
@Remy LOL Welcome to Kickstarer – where your plastic is always warm
@ALL Speaking of warm plastic – Heroes of Metro City: S-Squared enters the final countdown and flies head long into the all important Final 48 in a day or so. If you missed out on HoMC the first time around you can get it in the expansion campaign. It a great contender to the Cape & Cardboard Trilogy (Sentinels, Legendary, DC) that stands on its own as a Hero Builder rather than taking a pre-packaged character out for a spin. (If you are curious there are reviews of this equivalent to the Indie Comic Rack in Cardboardland Game right here – and one isn’t mine so not a shameless plug :))
But nothing warms the plastic on a Kickstarter like a vanity pledge – and HoMC:S-Squared has them. For about $150 (whether you are just getting mini-expansions, the full expansion, or an all in completionist starter pack)you get to work with the card artists to design the actual art for a card in the expansion set of your choosing. You get to create a hero or villain as a centerpiece for the art. ‘Blazing Firearms’? Who is that Punisher or Deadpool type you have had in the back of your mind ? Well have him hit the streets of Metro City! $150 for a create-an-art pledge is a bargain on The Kick when they usually go for $300-$500 and the artists are industry artists for comics and role-playing games. Definitely worth a look!
Love how everything is split out into categories now as well. It appears as if everybody loves it also.
Quite a few new games, and I know someone that will “SQUEEEE” when I tell him about the new Mage: The Ascension anniversary edition.
Just decided to back Robots on the Line since it looks like a lot of fun. KS game budget has been mostly curtailed until I actually receive some of my backed games which are overdue.
I am all-in on Drake’s miniatures and have an EB Tokaido and EB Arcadia Quest. Oh, and a crippled bank account…
Slaughterball suicided? I feel bad for them.
Who knew late winter was football bloodsport season?
I know Guildball funded, but I hope they can maintain momentum.I know they came in laughing at Slaughterball and now Big Daddy Dreadball XTREME just comes in tearing up the turf and laughing at everyone.
I’m not pledging any of them – but it is certainly interesting to watch the irony of several arena bloodsport games go head-to-head bloodsport arena style on The Kick
@Garbled According to the page footer is the one stop shop e-mail for webpage contact and advertising. I’d have them go that route to make first contact.
I like the new groupong. Great job!
I’m in for Fireteam Zero. The game is based on a series of e-books by Mike Langlois. He is a boardgamer and is one of the designers of this game. The series takes place some 50 years after the game does, but many of the characters are the same. I thoroughly enjoyed them and would recommend them to anyone who enjoys Cthulu-esque stuff.
If you check the bottom of the Kickstarter page, there is a link that allows you to get the books free for a limited time. Anyone with an interest should check them out!
More Walking Dead games? Let’s hope this one is better than the last few.
Hey guys,
Joe Cannon, creator of Migration here. Feel free to AMA.
I’ve pledged to Mob Town, Peasant Buffet, and Tower.
I wish I could afford Kingdom builder. I guess I just have to look at it longingly for the next 60 hours :/
I’m in for Heroes of Metro City, Robots on the Line (this one looks really good), and the reprint of Kung-Fu Fighting. I’ve played the original Kung-Fu Fighting print, and it was a lot of fun. You make great silly combos like “A Spinning Backhanded Punch With a Ladder Through a Window for 15 damage!”
Also, it’s not listed above, but for you painters out there, there is a project called Snake Eyes Supplies: Laser cut wargaming supplies for gamers, that is selling paint racks for all brands of paints. They are awesome looking, and I’m buying a big set.
Regarding having publishers add their games to, I’ve sent two this way before, but both have told me they couldn’t figure out how to contact you to get their games listed. Maybe you should have some kind of “publisher contact” page or something so these small indie publishers can send you a little blurb about their games easily? As far as I can tell, all they can do is add the name of their game to the same game request form we use?
In the RPG category you might want to toss up AMP:Year One – the clock is ticking on it and as a concept and for the price it might be worth a flutter
For this KickWeek:
I’m still staring at Maze Master every day wondering if it is too abstract for my Guildies.
Hoping Heroes of Metro City: S-Squared gets a little wind under the cape to fund the expansion. It deserves a place next to The Cardboard Capedom Trilogy as the unique ‘Hero Builder’ rather than taking licensed legends out for a spin.
Heroes Wanted Card art! Card art! Card art! Check, check and check – but the rest of the components really need to hit that Facelift Stretchy IMO.
The grouping is really great. I’m already backing Tower, so I’ll send them a message about!