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I Play This One a LOT
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Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs. X-Men
Let’s start this off by saying that I love Quarriors. It might even be my favorite game. A deck builder with dice, fast set up, and even deep but understandable strategy? Perfect. I’ll play that all day.
Now there’s a 2 player version? With combat you say? It’s based on Marvel superheroes?! Hold all my calls and start up the party bus, my life is complete with a Marvel themed Quarriors.
Oh wait. I need to buy booster packs? They’re only a dollar, I guess that isn’t terrible.
I can just buy a box for the discount right? Only 50% of boxes even have the super rares. I was particularly unlucky when BOTH boxes I bought didn’t contain a super rare.
Want to actually play in tournaments? Better have all of the super rares, because this game suffers from the rarest stuff being strongest by miles. I went to my first tournament after only getting the starter pack and 20 boosters, and got crushed every single game by people who bought the rarest single cards for upwards of $60 a piece, and then got laughed at for not having them. I’m not made of money.
This is essentially Wizkids trying to turn Quarriors into Magic the Gathering, and they succeeded, which means I hate it. You basically pay to win.
However, playing it casually at home with a friend for funsies? Total winner. So just do that.