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Dungeons & Dragons: Lords of Waterdeep
With strategy, straightforward goals, and beautiful production, Lords of Waterdeep works for a more picky Euro-style crowd or the casual gamer who doesn’t want to go through a learning curve for a good time.
The system it creates is fun to wrangle, and creates the biggest benefit and concern all at the same time.
The game provides options, so there’s no single activity you’re repeating, no one avenue to your win condition. Win conditions are slightly different with each Lord, adding variety, while pursuit of quests vs. building gives you a feeling of lots of choices that can all benefit you.
Veteran players who have figured that out can make more informed decisions that novice players will miss. This is, of course, true of any game, but in this one you can really work the system if you know what you’re doing.
So, pick it up or not?
Definitely pick this game up if worker placement is your thing, because it’s got something for just about everybody, but if you know what you’re doing maybe just help the newbies out for one play. Seriously, this is the one worker placement game I’ll enjoy every time.