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Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »

Explorer - Level 3
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Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
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Critic (lvl 1)
230 xp
230 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
837 xp
837 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
177 xp
177 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
230 xp
230 xp
About Me
I have been currently playing deck-building games and role playing games. My favorite games is Dragon Storm RPG and Robotech RPG with some modified rules (House Rules) to help make the game enjoyable. I love playing simple quick dice and card games with friends and fellow gamers at conventions and home.
I tried this game out at the games workshop for the dealers a while back. It was a very fun game.
The game is where you play a minor villain who wishes to become a well known super villain that can take on the Superhero of the city.
Everyone gets a dial to represent you villain’s level of abilities. There are three abilities that help you perform tasks within the game.
The first fun thing is to name your villain. You can use the name given on the card or use the many words on small tiles to help create a name. The last option is to just come up with a name on your own. This can be funny and fun to create.
Next you take on cards to play the game. The cards can have secret identity to work and earn money to help purchase items for you criminal activities. You can also take on criminal activities such as putting kittens in trees or robbing banks. The putting kittens in trees is a funny action, but some how all those kittens get in trees for the hero to rescue.
You complete levels of actions to prepare yourself for the fight against the superhero. This can be easy if you have the right skill levels and weapons, but there some challenges that can be defeated. If you fail you can attack the superhero again with an added bonus.
When a villain defeats the superhero, the game is over.
This is a different type of game which can let players get the badness out of there system when other games frustrate them.