gamer level 7
17525 xp
17525 xp
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Stone of the Sun
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions ...learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions ...learn more »

Rosetta Stone
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »

Give 250 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Give 250 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game

Baron / Baroness
Gain 10 total followers
Gain 10 total followers
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
525 xp
525 xp
Explorer (lvl 5)
4332 xp
4332 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
292 xp
292 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
292 xp
292 xp
About Me
Hi, my name's Kirk and I'm a Gamer.
It all really got started at age 12. I got hit by a drunk driver waiting for the school bus in rural Ohio. Being laid up in the hospital with a broken leg and arm and a messed up knee my mom bought me the Red Box Dungeons & Dragons game for my birthday. Later, my dad bought me the original Talisman game. From thence forth I was hooked.
I'm a big fan of Ameri-Trash (or Ameri-Thrash a-la the Dice Tower), reformed MtG player, and have less time for RPGs. Still love a good dungeon crawl game and loving co-op games. My wife calls herself a gamer widow.
It all really got started at age 12. I got hit by a drunk driver waiting for the school bus in rural Ohio. Being laid up in the hospital with a broken leg and arm and a messed up knee my mom bought me the Red Box Dungeons & Dragons game for my birthday. Later, my dad bought me the original Talisman game. From thence forth I was hooked.
I'm a big fan of Ameri-Trash (or Ameri-Thrash a-la the Dice Tower), reformed MtG player, and have less time for RPGs. Still love a good dungeon crawl game and loving co-op games. My wife calls herself a gamer widow.
Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game
Now I like Shadow’s Over Camelot, but this card game does the game a disservice. In this game you draw cards and remember numbers to get a certain total to successfully complete quests and earn Swords. Seven white swords and you win the game. If you get less than a certain number or have 14 or more points you gain black swords. Seven black swords and you lose.
I found this game to be very uninteresting and dull. If you like counting cards then you may like this game, otherwise; skip it.