User Requested Games
Games added that were user requested are marked below with: {G}
Request a game >

Expansion Groups
Flash Point: Fire Rescue Expansion Packs (Indie Boards and Cards)
- {G} Urban Structures (2011)
- {G} Extreme Danger (2013)
- Dangerous Waters (2013)

Recently Released & Requested
{G} Belle of the Ball
Dice Hate Me Games | 2014
Scarborough Fair (Second Edition)
The Game Crafter | 2014
{G} The Captain is Dead
The Game Crafter | 2014
{G} Till Dawn
8th Summit | 2014
{G} Tiny Epic Kingdoms
Gamelyn Games | 2014
Turbulence (Second Edition)
The Game Crafter | 2014
Marbles: The Brain Store | Published: 2014
Straight Shooter
Marbles: The Brain Store | Published: 2014
{G} Bootleggers (Second Edition)
Mayday Games | 2013
{G} The Great Fire of London: 1666 (Second Edition)
Pandasaurus Games | 2013

Upcoming Games
Civility – Expansion
Bed Beard Games | Release Date: 2014 Q4
Don’t Be A Loser
All Over The Board Games | Release Date: 2015 Q2, shoot me an email and let’s talk more about adding games, we’d love the help! (our Contact Us page has my email)
@stratagon, We’re currently using google forms for the game request page, but I like your idea so I’ll see if google has a way to show results, but I’m with Jeff W. that we like spending more time adding games 🙂
Imperial Assault is a given… Descent with Star Wars…FFG should just have access to my bank account…oh yeah…they do.
Sherriff of Nottingham looks to be a fun bluffing game my group will love.
D&D Attack Wing just looks cool. Do I need it if I’m already invested in X-wing. Yes. Yes, I do.
Kings of New York will be out soon too! That will be a regular. I’m sure.
Pandemic: the Cure, Colt Express, and The Witcher are also on the list. X-men Dice Masters is on the way. Xidit rules are being read.
Whoops! I almost forgot Student Bodies by Smirk and Dagger A Zombie Game I am extremely excited about!
@Jeff W A shelf stocking salute! 🙂
@TheCaptainisDead I received my tracking number the other day so you will be added to my shelves soon and I will get to find out what all this ultra hard co-op is all about 😛
As for some retail anticipation: Imperial Assault, The Witcher (if it is the FGG replacement for Runebound), Summoner Wars:Alliances, the Multiverse latest: Wrath of the Cosmos
Thanks so much, Jeff!
Kickstarter games: Strife, Dungeon Dice + expansion, Age of Conan expansion
Non-Kickstarter: D&D Attack Wing, Marvel Dice Masters: Uncanny X-men
I look forward to the Belle of the Ball reviews!
I wouldn’t worry too much if you’ve forgotten adding games. Also, if multiple people request them, we get a sense of user demand. It’s seeing the same games added every week or two in the same combinations that feels like someone pressing the elevator button repeatedly and expecting it to come faster.
In other words, don’t feel bad if you can’t remember what you added a few months back, but if you did add something recently, there’s really no need to put it in again. 🙂
As for a list of requested games, I’ll defer to Jim on that. I will say that due to a variety of formatting and article choices when entering games, a straight list would look pretty haphazard, and editing it for duplication and clarity might just be time best spent adding more games. 😀
@Jeff W. I am likely guilty of multiple submissions. In the Spring, long before your great efforts, I sent many in and honestly don’t remember which ones anymore. I may have doubled up on a few of those.
@Jim Is there a way we can see a list of requested games which would also reduce the amount of different users that would request the same ones?
Most anticipated non kickstarter games:
– The Witcher
– Shadows of Brimstone…no it was a kickstater…but I missed it
– French version of Dead winter…mid november is coming…….
Is there any ways that we (I) can help you to add games on the site.
Thanks for the game updates. Excellent additions, as usual.
My most-anticipated non-Kickstarter games:
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (Star Wars meets Descent!)
Marvel Dice Masters: Uncanny X-Men (should be here any day now)
Summoner Wars: Alliances (more Summoner Wars!)
I got my Sojourners Tale from Kickstarter and even played a game on Tuesday.
Non-KS games:
Cyclades: Titans
Star Wars: Armada
Star Wars: Imperial Assault
Samurai Spirit
7 Wonders: Babel
Man, I played Bootleggers when it first debuted at Gencon – great game. I just wish somebody other than Mayday games had the rights to it. Mayday’s done too many scummy things both to the general public and my friends for me to do any business with them ever again.
It’s really too bad, because, like I said, Bootleggers is a great game and I’ve been wanting to try Get Bit and Toc Toc Woodman for a long time.
Won’t touch Mayday though.
Discussion topic for this week: what upcoming non-Kickstarter tabletop game(s) are you most looking forward to?
Just a friendly reminder for those submitting games to be added to the site via the Game Requests form: you only need to request your game once, ever, and it gets put into the list for eventual addition to the site.
The list is large! It will take a while to get through! Your game will not be forgotten! 😀
Yay! Bootleggers and Flash Point expansions! Thank you very much!
Got caught up on some Kickstarter games this update. Was able to add the remaining Flash Point expansions along with Bootleggers and Great Fire of London to my collection. Also the recently received Captain is Dead and Tiny Epic Kingdoms. Thanks Jeff!