Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
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Role-Playing Games

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Oh man, I missed out on backing Cartography because I didn’t know about it until now D: I’ve become a fan on Facebook though and I hope I can buy the game separately. Looking into how that might be possible.
Hemloch is now available to purchase along with Omen: A Reign of War. I highly recommend both.
@Jeff W: in terms of “looks good, not too expensive,” you should really check out Omen: A Reign of War. It is a great game for less than $20.
Dead Drop
I Hate Zombies
I just backed Dead Drop because it meets my “looks fun, not too expensive” criteria for impulse KS backing. I have my eye on Lanterns, because it looks very pretty and fits thematically with other games in my library.
@coltsfan76 – thanks for the recommendation! I just watched the Dice Tower review, and it’s on my Wish List!
@ AccountDeletion: If you don’t have a Pirate themed game, check out Black Fleet. Fun family-friendly pick up and delivery. Rum and Pirates is pretty good too.
I am going with Omen: A Reign of War and Dead Drop this time, both at the higher level. Keeping an eye on Cartography.
My only carry-over is Dead Drop.
Kickstarter picked up a lot this week, and there’s 5 new projects I’m backing:
On Her Majesty’s Service: while CMoN’s reliance on exclusives drives me nuts, their games just keep getting better and better… and their Kickstarters are the only way to get them with all the great upgrades. This looks even better than Dogs of War to me.
Omen: A Reign of War: I know there’s several Small Box Games fans here, but I’ve never been fortunate enough to get my hands on one of their games. While Omen looks OK to me, I’m really backing this hoping it gets to 1,000 backers and unlocks a re-print of Hemloch – that game has been on my Wish List forever, and I was losing hope of finding it.
Dumpster Brawl: really nice components – particularly in the deluxe edition – will hopefully carry this to its relatively modest funding goal. Looks fun, and very differently themed than anything I have.
King’s Forge: I’ve heard nice things about this game, so I’m in for the new edition of the base game as well as both expansions.
Privateers!: other than Tortuga, I don’t have any pirate-themed games – this one is huge and looks quite good. But it’s doomed for 2 reasons: it’s expensive because of the built-in shipping from Sweden, and the Swedish Krona currency for the campaign is making the already absurdly high funding goal (~$165k) look astronomical (SEK 1,200,000).