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680 xp
About Me
Hello World! The people call me the DQoder (decoder), well no, actually I am just the self-proclaimed DQoder. I typically like playing games that are fun, has a good theme, and not 4 hours long. I am open to everything and willing to try a game at least once.
I started out playing CCGs in the beginning of my gaming but got tired of all the buying and collecting. It then became a very expensive hobby. Later, I wanted to play something without all the continous buying and more open with my other friends. Something that just requires one buy and many hours of enjoyment. It wasn't until a friend of mine in Texas introduced me to the world of board gaming with Ascension, Carcassonne, and Citadels that got me intrigued.
-Enjoy Yourselves!
I started out playing CCGs in the beginning of my gaming but got tired of all the buying and collecting. It then became a very expensive hobby. Later, I wanted to play something without all the continous buying and more open with my other friends. Something that just requires one buy and many hours of enjoyment. It wasn't until a friend of mine in Texas introduced me to the world of board gaming with Ascension, Carcassonne, and Citadels that got me intrigued.
-Enjoy Yourselves!
First impression:
My play group was getting a bit bigger throughout the year. And as it turns out, they did not want to split into groups on game nights. I wanted something that that can support many players at the same time still has some depth. I was also looking for something that didn’t have any player elimination, because dying off quickly in Bang! becomes lonely.
Game summary:
Players act out as bean farmers that collect large sets of beans to plant, trade and harvest for money. Players are limited to two fields (depending on player size) but can purchase a third field for 3 coins. Having limited fields for planting encourages trading. The player that has the most coins out of three rounds is the winner.
My Experience:
I have recorded about 20+ games to date. And I have played games with as low as 3 players and at the max with 7 players. I haven’t played this game with 2 players because I typically don’t play with that low of number due to how our group has grown in size. This game scales fairly well but I would recommend that 5 to 6 players is the best size play with.
I can compare Bohnanza to Settlers of Catan in some ways. In Settlers of Catan, the games can be exciting yet drag due to bad dice rolls. The most enjoyable part, which I believe, is the trading and negotiation. And Bohnanza is all about trading and negotiation. As a disclaimer when teaching the game, I inform the players that this game is about getting out there and marketing your beans. If you are quiet and slow you may not capitalize on some great deals. So as they say, “if you snooze, you lose”.
My Likes:
This is a great gateway game and I enjoy it very much for the trading aspect alone. The people I introduce it to enjoy it as well, especially when they get a good deal. Since the game is fairly compact, this is one of my go to games when leaving the house.
My Dislikes:
In this game, there is one awkward card rule. You cannot rearrange or shuffle your cards that you have been dealt. You must leave the cards in that order. And that can be hard for some people to coupe with, because when you are dealt a hand cards you automatically want to set them in a certain order.
Another item would be at the higher player counts, at 7 players you start out with 3 cards if you are the first player. The next player has 4, the player after has 5, and the rest has 6 cards. And if you completed all your trading after the first 3 people, you end up waiting around before it is your turn again.
Lastest Impression:
My dislikes in this game is very miniscule compare to how much I enjoy the interaction of trading within game. This is a great game and is always welcome when people ask to play it. And people do ask to play it often. This game is fairly compact and can be found for under $20! That’s better than all your stink beans!