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Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation - Deluxe Edition
This is one of my favorite 2 player games. Don’t let the fact that it is vaguely like Stratego turn you off.
The artwork is really great.
There 2 sets of large plastic stands the have slots in the top to slide the characters into.Each of the characters are printed onto thick board and they are double sided. So you have multiple versions of the same characters.
Players advance their characters on the board to try and achieve their objective. If you are the fellowship you need to get Frodo to Mount Doom. If you are Sauron you got get into the Shire or kill Frodo.
The cool part is that you can’t see the characters of the opposing team. This makes for a really fun meta game, I love messing with my opponent by taunting them and trying to do silly hand tricks so they forget which character is where.
Easy to Learn
This is one of the easiest to learn but still engaging Lord of the Rings Games out there. I have played it with younger games as well as seasoned gamers.