Other new games demo-ed at Gen Con.
Check out the previous new games post here > Gen Con: New Games

The Battle at Kemble’s Cascade
Z-Man Games
Kemble’s Cascade is a board game adaptation of a top-down shoot ’em up arcade game.

Pandemic: Contagion
Z-man Games
Z-man’s new Pandemic game came in appropriate bio-hazard warning packages.

The Battle of Five Armies
Ares Games
I defiantly want to play Kemble’s Cascade & The Battle of Five Armies. Nothing I am going to run out and get without trying it first…
These look great. I’m particularly excited to get a chance to try Kemble’s Cascade. The top-down arcade still demands my attention.
All of these games look good. My wallet gently weeps.
Thanks for the heads up on Contagion I will have to go look up some information on it.
I’ve played through Contagion a few times, but each time was with new players. I’m hoping we all learn really quickly to make it more challenging. But it’s still fun.
@renee – Huzzah! I checked into it a bit more and Ares listed the street date as September 8th.
Battle of Five Armies was being sold at Gen Con
I saw several large stacks of them in the Ares booth on the first day of the convention.
So excited for Battle of Five Armies…and the impending re-release of War of the Ring. Did anyone who saw this at Gen Con happen to catch the release date for BoFA?
I picked up Contagion at Gen Con. Hope to play it this weekend!