Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Miniatures Games

Role-Playing Games

On Indiegogo

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I am looking forward to the Compounded expansion & Season 4 of Watch it Played.
Backed Compounded and Eight Minute Empire Legends Expansion.
I have a pretty big list of carry-overs, which is kind of crazy since I haven’t updated this in 3 weeks: Eight-Minute Empire: Lost Lands, Lift Off, Demigods Rising, Asking for Trobils, Agents of SMERSH, Clockwork Wars, Nautilus Industries, Hyground Terrain Tiles, Nightlight and Warband: Against the Darkness.
Only have 3 newly backed games:
Neptun: the theme looks OK and it’s by the designer of Alhambra… but I mostly backed because I enjoy Queen Games Kickstarters (might be different if I was around for Dark Darker Darkest, but that was before my time).
Dead Men Tell No Tales: they had me at “if you enjoyed Pandemic, Forbidden Island and Flash Point…” but the game looks special on it’s own. I’m really excited for this one – great new co-op games don’t come around frequently enough.
Clockwork Kingdom: I’m getting a little beat down with the steampunk theme, but I like the look of this. In fact, I would stay in on this over Clockwork Wars if I have to choose.
I added Dead Men Tell No Tales because our family are suckers for cooperative games and this one looks fun.
I watched part of the Compounded: Geiger Expansion live play through on Ustream last night and am even more excited to get a copy of the game and expansion.
There is an option on The Institute for Magical Arts to pick up a copy of Biblios so check that out if you are looking for either of those games (they have bundled options too).
Compounded may looks flat and boring at first, i had it but i realy didn’t like to play it. At last one day i picked it and now it’s my first choice for playing a trading game. There is no need for chemistry knowledge at all.
My vote goes to Dead Man Tell no Tales
Dead Men Tell No Tales looks great, but it could hardly be less EU friendly, so I’ll regretfully pass on this one.
In agreement with @Kassidy, Sovereignty of Dust (Backed) is looking really good but it needs some more exposure. The funding is moving along but hopefully it’ll get a decent boost to hit the stretch goals towards the end. Already backed Compounded (All The Things) as I missed out on the original Kickstarter and the game just screams to me, trying to finish my Chemical Engineering degree.
Dead Men Tell No Tales looks pretty sweet. It is already funded and nothing to special for backing…but still looks neat.
I’d love to see Sovereignty of Dust on here! As I hear it’s a light game with some good social elements, a dose of random/gotcha! moments to keep it quick and friendly, and a very tactical feel.
Backing Compounded and Florenza. Reserved an early bird for Neptun but not sure about that one. Queen got enough of my money at their GenCon Flash Sales. Dead Men Tell no Tales looks interesting.
Dead Men Tell No Tales looks interesting. I’m a sucker for pirate games.
Eight Minute Empire Legends expansion
Compounded expansion
Asking for Trobils
There are so many good games coming out next month that I need to save some money…