Gen Con 2014 set a record for number of attendees and what seemed like a record number of new games debuted.

King of New York
A limited number of copies of iello’s King of New York were available for sale each day of the convention. A Monster Idol was handed out with each copy.

Operation F.A.U.S.T
Robert Burke
A bluffing card game about acquiring valuable artwork during World War II. The theme of this game is really cool and the photography on the cards are of real spys and people involved in the plots of this period of history. Plays up to 8 people, Operation: F.A.U.S.T. is due on Kickstarter in the Fall.

Spurs: A Tale in the Old West
Mr.B Games
Spurs: A Tale in the Old West has a unique real time mechanics for shoot-outs, that involves drawing bullets from a bag. Other old-westy events in the game include cattle rustling, panning for gold, outlaws and stage coaches.
King of New York! I really want to get hold of a copy of this game. King of Tokyo is a great game and I enjoy it very much, but I always wish I had more options. This looks like it takes care of that.
Did anyone get to play Lagoon: Land of Druids by any chance?
@Chopper Dan
Thanks for the feed back….I will keep an eye on this one
Five Tribes: Demoed it, loved it, bought it, still loved it, played it twice since then, want to play it some more!
Yes I’ve heard of it….lol
Seriously though, Dan King is on the money. This is a fabulous game! It will be at the top of many people’s list for best of 2014.
Is anyone has seen or heard of the game “Five Tribes” by Days of Wonder.
According to the Game Boy Geek review it could be a Game of the Year.
*whispers*…imperial assault…?
I love Robert Burke’s use of classical art in his games: see Battle for Souls. As a bonus to Draco Magi backers Robert opened up the Operation: F.A.U.S.T. print-and-play on BGG. Unfortunately I didn’t get around to printing it before it was taken down.
I’m excited to see more about Spurs. Thanks Doomtown: Reloaded for rekindling my love of the western theme.
King of New York is already numero uno on my list, but I agree that Operation F.A.U.S.T looks pretty tasty. I like Robert Burke designs too!
Operation: F.A.U.S.T. is one I’m really intrigued with. I got to look through the cards at Gen Con but wasn’t able to get in a demo. I will likely be backing this once it hits Kickstarter later this year.