Saturday afternoon during Gen Con, Mayfair Games and Parks & Rec had their world debut of the highly anticipated game Cones of Dunshire by The Architect. Maybe next year they will try Advanced Mode — In Reverse.
The charity event run by Mayfair games raised over five thousand dollars. Always remember, it’s about the cones.
@thegordonshow tv spirit animal — hahaha i love it
@Sir Gamesalot – the actual game play was pretty chaotic, rolling to see how many dice you roll, cones of doom, and weird terrain.
This looks like a fun game and a great charity event. I’d love to see the rules and actual play. I suppose I’ll have to check out Parks and Rec to see it played soon.
This is amazing! Now I really want that shirt!
(although it would be cool to play the actual game created by my TV spirit animal, Ben Wyatt)
Yah I thought there was a game in there too. But that pin is really nice.
It was cool that they raised so much money for charity.
I was bummed when I found out there was just a t-shirt in the box. I wanted a copy of the game. Although…this just looks like Settlers of Ca”cones”.