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Roll Through the Ages
I’m usually not a huge fan of dice games or press-your-luck style strategy, but I actually had a lot of fun with Roll Through the Ages.
It may be because I was a huge fan of the Civilization video games and this reminds me a lot of that, but on a smaller scale.
I enjoy the elements of the tech tree and I found the game to be easy to learn and pick up. The difficulty comes in trying to figure out which is the right strategy to pursue.
I think the components in this game also are a big plus. For coming in such a compact box, the boards and dice are surprisingly hefty and made of wood (always a good thing!). The only thing I was not a fan of are the little pegs that you need to move through the board to track resources. They are made of plastic and I found the majority of them didn’t really sit right in the holes. I would wish for some wooden pegs that had a better fit with the boards.
Check out this game, even if you’re not a huge fan of dice games. The strategy is surprisingly well done creates some good in-game dilemmas. It’s also deeper game than the size of the box or the playing time suggests. Finally, it plays really well as a quick two-player game.