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This week’s Explorable Favorites (Aug 17)

Posted by Account Deletion {Family Gamer} | 17-Aug-15 | 10 comments

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This Week’s Explorable Games

This round of Explorable Favorites is from member spizio. The games selected from their Favorites shelf were:

These games will be explorable until next Monday, August 24th

Comments (10)

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Two longer games definitely worth the play time!

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Z-Man Games fan
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Indie Board & Cards fan

Dominant Species sounds like a game that would collect dust on my shelf. It looks like there’s a lot to enjoy…but with a 4 hour playtime, it’s not something I could see getting much play with my play group.

I never played the Civilization PC games, and that may be why Through the Ages has never jumped off the shelf of my FLGS.

These both look like meaty, spend your day games…and that just isn’t my thing. But it was interesting to see what folks had to say on them, and based on the reviews I get why the games are so highly regarded.

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Miniature Painter
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These look cool. I love games that take hours to play and require some thought. I also like games that take half and hour and don’t use my brain too, so I guess I like everything.

I have always liked the Civilization games on PC, and Through the Ages looks like a decent board game substitute. I will have to find someone who has it to give it a whirl.

Dominant Species has dinosaurs on the box, and dinosaurs are undeniably awesome. Fun “fact”. Contrary to what modern scientists like you to believe, dinosaurs were intelligent and actually were able to foresee the extinction event coming and build a massive starship that they used to leave the planet, and they come back to check on us once in a while, which is where the UFO sightings come from. Perhaps they are just laughing at the primitive hairless apes running around and driving cars. I don’t really know what is up with the probing though.

JFK was going to share this information, which is well known to the “elite” who pull the strings, with the Soviet Union to try and bring the world together during the cold war, which resulted in his assassination to keep the truth hidden.

Dinosaurs on a spaceship would be so cool…

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Gamer - Level 8
Guardian Angel
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Through the Ages looks like it would be great fun, just not sure I have anyone to play something like that with me.
Not sure about Dominant Species, I wasn’t sold on that right away, probably just theme.

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El Dorado
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Woo! Got the El Dorado badge from these two!

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These are two highly touted heavyweights. Congrats to Spizio on having his picks chosen as this week’s explorable favorites.

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Z-Man Games fan
Plaid Hat Games fan
Stone of the Sun

Okay, just had a look and Through the ages looks even better.

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Z-Man Games fan
Plaid Hat Games fan
Stone of the Sun

Dominant Species sounds awesome

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Explorer - Level 5
Critic - Level 3

Absolutely. Two amazing games for the Power Gamer.

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Marquis / Marchioness

Meaty games, excellent choices!

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