Tips & Strategies (4)

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Tips & Strategies (4)

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“Selecting Oponent Ingredients”

When you first pick ingredients for people try to pick stuff that doesn’t go together and definitely do not give them mako nor rice.

You might consider giving them stuff that commonly matches with ingredients the other player gave you so that you are more likely to make a recipe.


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Get really into the theme of the game and play with chopsticks to grab your wasabi pieces and if you are really talented your ingredient tiles too.

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Cooperative Game Explorer
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“Do the big ones first”

I find more success when I try to complete my 5 ingredient recipes, then 4, then just by happenstance, the board will probably be better setup to concentrate on the easier ones. And of course ALWAYS try to complete “with style” for the extra cubes.

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Count / Countess Beta 1.0 Tester Beta 2.0 Tester
Cryptozoic Entertainment fan
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“First choice : Spicy!”

Making a 2 ingredient recipe is super easy and you should be a able to quickly knock one out.

Pick “Spicy” as your first action card.
Here are the reasons why:
Since your first 3 ingredients were picked by someone else, they probably stink and have nothing to do with a recipe you need. Spicy allows you clear out your ingredients and get stuff you need.

With Spicy you shold be able to complete 2 recipes at once!
Or at least set yourself up to complete multiple recipes in a row.

Pick Wasabi towards the end
With Wasabi you get extra wasabi cubes and you clog up the board and force it to end faster.

Basically this game is about coming our strong and dominating, I don’t think I have ever seen a “come back” win.

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