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My wife and I are addicted to several games, but our favorites right now are Marvel: Legendary, 7 Wonders, and Steam Park. So wonderful! We are always buying and selling more and more, so my profile may change over time, but we just love gaming!
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
When I first heard about the arrival of the then-new deckbuilder, Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game, from Upper Deck Entertainment (the baseball card company?) and designer Devin Lowe (of Magic: The Gathering?), I was only mildly interested in learning more: “Oh cool, a card game about superheroes in the age of overabundant superhero movies, published by a trading card company and designed by a CCG developer.” I thought that surely this would be a cute card game with recognizable heroes out to thwart the bad guys and save the world. Was I initially oversimplistic, or was I sure to be getting a superhero-themed Yu-Gi-Oh! game?
Designer: Devin Low
Publisher: Upper Deck Entertainment
Plays: 1-5 Heroes (though I would recommend 1-3)
Ages: 14+ (probably younger, depending on reading aptitude)
Time: 45-60 Minutes (the first couple plays a bit longer, and all dependent on number of players)
Framework: Deck Building, Cooperative, Card Game
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I learned the game by way of the rulebook AND via Rodney Smith’s Watch It Played! series. Rodney is a delightful board game teacher and aficionado that deserves all the praises he receives. That disclaimer out of the way, let’s talk about the components.
In the box you receive a rulebook, a large folded game board, and a heap of cards. The rulebook is concise, well-written, with many examples of play and special instances. I am typically not a fan of ANY rulebook, but I can appreciate this one. The game board is a large mounted board, with several outlined play areas to hold decks and keep track of the different cards you need to play. I like it overall, but I feel that the HQ and city area art are way too busy to accommodate the equally-busy playing cards used in the game. I would have preferred the entire board in the unobtrusive blue with the faint swishes that adorn the rest of the board. Honestly, the board is non-essential after you know the game well enough. The cards (500 in the base game alone!) are comprised of all the heroes, villains, schemes, twists and everything else needed to play the game. As previously mentioned, the cards are decent quality, and they have incredible artwork, but the art is very busy and detracts from the legibility of most of the card names on top. In the base game, the hero cards all use the same art, whereas in expansions, the art is different for each hero, depending on TYPE of card. Some gamers complain about the cards from the base game using the same art for each type, but it really is NOT a gameplay issue. They fixed that in the expansions anyway.
I do not delve into explaining setup and rules of play, as multitudes of reviews and videos do that already. Again, I would like to urge you to watch the Watch It Played video for a great explanation and playthrough. Instead, I will get straight on to what most potential game investors want – another opinion on the game as a whole.
So, after 50+ plays of the base game (solo and otherwise), plus numerous more plays with expansions thrown in, what are my thoughts? Was I initially oversimplistic? Yes. This is not at all a CCG or superhero re-skin of an existing card game. It is its own beast, and though an argument could be had that all deck builders are incredibly similar, this feels different from the others. No, you probably cannot choose to be the Hulk and only the Hulk – and this is where the theme breaks down for some people. You cannot be the Hulk, but you can call upon the Hulk’s different abilities to help in the fight with the baddies. This is where I think many people who dislike the theme or the game could benefit – try not to think about your cards as the characters that you are playing, but rather that you are the orchestrator for the battles, choosing each hero’s abilities and playing them in particular orders. I suppose, in a strange way, that you can almost put a Yu-Gi-Oh! spin on this game by becoming the duelist and commanding the Hulk to use his Hulk Smash ability on the lowly Hand Ninja. Or on the Green Goblin. Or on Kingpin.
Should you add it to your collection? If you enjoy superheroes: Yes. If you enjoy controlling superheroes: Yes. If you enjoy deck builders: Yes. If you enjoy (semi-)cooperative games: Yes. If you enjoy card games: Yes. If you enjoy tense, but not draining gameplay: Yes. If you enjoy (carefully!) shuffling cards: Yes. If you enjoy boring games: No.