This weekend our focus will be on games that take an hour or less to play. This way we can play lots of different games over the weekend! Possible candidates are Scalawag!, Eight-Minute Empire: Legends, Coup, Hollywood and Ancient Terrible Things.
What are you playing this weekend?
post-weekend report
I was at a weekend thing – totally unrelated to gaming. Someone had brought Firefly and knew I was into the show. We found another fan and sat down to play at midnight of the last night. The owner kept apologizing for the length of setup and complexity of the game. I was surprised to hear references from several people about monopoly when they were seeing that we were playing a board game. I haven’t run into that since I play with my family who understand the wider world of games. We got about an hour into it before we were all fading. It was enough though to get the idea of what we needed to do and how to do it. We setup a night to play again in two weeks. I am excited to be finding friends who are using firefly, of all things, to be a gateway game. I will bring some others and see what happens.
Only Mtg.
Last night we finally taught our friends Pandemic and thankfully they really enjoyed it!
Finished out the night with Dixit: the best palate cleanser.
I cleaned house all day Saturday, so no gaming for me. The wife and I did take the girls to a renaissance fair on Sunday, so some nerdyness was accomplished this weekend.
Not much in gaming the last two weekends. Our late spring is now upon us, so the kids are finally enjoying the sunshine. Problem with leaving down south is that boardgames tend to take a backseat when the days get longer. Of course, now I have more yardwork to do. Once school ends, dance ends, and baseball ends, I’ll have more time to play with the kids.
On Saturday evening I played miniature golf for a fund raiser inside a public library. It was way more fun than anticipated.
Sunday evening started out with Settlers of Catan, finally. I have been wanting to introduce The Lady to it for a while, and unfortunately all I got out of her was an “it’s all right.” We may have to play again soon, now that she understands the rules and gameplay, to get a better time out of it.
We also played Boss Monster, which I wasn’t expecting to be thrilled with, and wasn’t. I’ll probably review it this week, and get plenty of down-votes from fans for my rating. I noticed this morning the common thread in all the current reviews: nostalgia. And that’s really all it had going for it. As a kid who played very little NES, it did nothing for me.
And of course, we finished up by teaching our friends Takenoko, which was well-received thanks to the adorable panda. The winner was a complete newbie to the game, who won by a landslide after she ended up with eight completed objectives in a four-player game, plus the Emperor’s favor.
Twilight Imperium and its expansions arrived. I spent a few hours cutting spaceships from sprues, punching out tokens, and giggling with delight as I consolidated everything into the main box, which now weighs approximately 15 lbs. Love it!
Played Defenders of the Realm on Saturday and Star Wars X-Wing yesterday for May the 4th Be With You day.
Also ended up getting a few games of Shadow Hunters in which is a very good weekend for me gaming wise.
Won a game of Mercante by one point, lost a game of Canterbury by one point, and crushed a game of Blueprints.
I have been playing around with MYTH, but I think I have a grasp of the rules and am hoping to start a Story Quest.
A weird 5 player game of Eclipse yesterday where I won by 21 points and only had two battles against ancients during the entire game. This was mostly due to diplomatic relations with my left hand neighbour on turn two and then getting cut off from everyone else. As she had a major conflict on her left side there was no point in attacking me and I as Hydran could just research and research.
Looks like I’ve read enough of the Mage Knight board game’s walkthrough to give it a shot solo or 2 player… Love letter always fits in, Targi if it’s just me and the SO and ofc some Puerto Rico if there’s time & people enough to squeeze it in!
I’ll probably solo a game or two of Darkest Night (if I have the time).
I stumbled upon a Starter set of Marvel Dice Masters and nearly a gravity feed worth of boosters, so I’m rolling a lot of dice this week-end. I’ve already played three rounds of this fun little game, and I hope to get a few more in.
I also hope to play Star Realms a few times, and I might have the opportunity to play Suburbia, as well.
Just picked up Star Realms, hoping to give that some good table time. Also hoping to have an old friend over and introduce him to Netrunner (we used to play a lot of Magic which is the same complexity to me.)
Picked up Star Wars X-Wing… hoping to get a few games in this weekend. Might throw in a game or two of Pandemic (with the On The Brink expansion) as well as a few games of DungeonQuest.
@Aaron Simmons. Enjoy those. I find the expansions for both of those games really do help the replay factor. As Paladin was saying, there are other sites out there that offer good discounts on games. I personally prefer (which also offers free shipping for orders $99 or more), but you can also use to check prices for games across sites with the click of a few buttons.
I plan to get in a game of Dead Panic for the first time with friends, some TtR, Flashpoint (one of their faves), and SotM I hope. I just scroed big by picking up several games at a local thrift shop, so we’ll see what else I can sneak into the weekend.
I’m looking forward to at least one big battle of Star Wars X-Wing!
Gonna be playing some more Rivet Wars, also hoping to get to Mythic Battles.
Not much. Hoping to get in some Flashpoint with the family, maybe some Ticket To Ride and Smash Up! too.