Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

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Lobotomy will end up to be the most expensive game that I pledged on Kickstarter (including the shipping and add-on). I hope that all the SG will compensate
I just saw that Darkrock venture is now playable solo….I will investigate the game to see if it’s worth it
Central City has all the criteria that I’m looking for in a game but there is something that is just keeping me for backing it and I still don’t know what it is
Lobotomy looks great. I am already backing and I anticipate it costing me a bunch of money. 😉
Nothing and happy about it.
But Central City: Heroes and Lobotomy whisper
Lobotomy is on my list but I’m waiting for the shipping fee update to see if I’ll pledge or not.
Otherwise it is quiet on my side
Did anyone get a chance to play any of these games at Gencon?
@Tom – definitely, without a doubt, my favorite theme in any horror game I’ve come across yet. I just sat slack-jawed looking over the page yesterday. I would love to back it, but an at-fault auto accident a few weeks ago means no Kickstarter backing for me this month…
Lobotomy..? Hmmm… Great looking components and minis!