gamer level 7
25111 xp
25111 xp
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Old Bones
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »

Explorer - Level 4
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Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!

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Grade 400 more reviews or tips by clicking "Yes" or "No" in response to the question "Was this helpful?"

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Click on the hourglass 100 times that appears when you are browsing Profile pages. learn more >
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 0)
35 xp
35 xp
Explorer (lvl 4)
1919 xp
1919 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
275 xp
275 xp
Reporter (lvl 2)
682 xp
682 xp
About Me
I aspire to be an avid gamer one day, but alas, finding the time and other gamers means I don't get to play nearly as often as I like. In the meantime, I'm amassing my game library and dreaming of the day when I get to play them all regularly.
I enjoy Euro-style and cooperative games, as well as strategy, trivia, card & dice, and party games, as well as traditional board games. I'm pretty happy as long as I get to play.
Is it cheating if the rules say you can do it?
The rules officially say you can only play a Draw Four “can only be played when the player holding it does not have a card in his/her hand to match the color on the DISCARD pile.”
However, the rules also say “A player holding a Wild Draw Four may choose to bluff and play the card illegally, but if he/she is caught certain rules apply.”
Here’s the penalty:
You can use this rule to your advantage in two ways:
1. If you want to play a Draw Four, but have the discard pile color in your hand, you can still choose to play that card without actually cheating. You are taking a calculated risk, but it’s in the rules that you are allowed to bluff.
2. If someone else plays a Draw Four on you, you can challenge them and force them to show you their hand. If you are correct, you don’t have to draw the cards; if you are wrong (and they played the Draw Four legally), you have to draw 6 cards, but you were already drawing 4 anyway, so what’s another 2? Either way, you get to see the other player’s hand, which can be very useful information if they are close to going out.