Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Miniatures Games

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Zombicide 3 – backed (Basically an auto-pledge for me and evidently Chopper Dan…nice pun, by the way).
Escape – Zombie City – backed, but I may have to drop and wait for individual components later.
Dungeon Lords Anniversary Edition – want to back, but I can’t justify that expense with the spousal unit along with the others.
Shadows Over Normandie – looks intriguing, but I’ll hold out until I can play it elsewhere to see how I like it before buying.
District-Z – Fight. Escape. Survive. – Same as above.
Harbour: been playing this for months and it’s one of our fav games. Most of my mates jumped I in on this too.
Tiny Epic Defenders: because it’s also Scot Almes
Shadows over Arkham: played the PnP of this last weekend. It’s a small box co-op and is actually very good. Great artwork and great price.
Penny Press: like the premise and the game looks great.
Yardmaster Express: I’m surprised at how much my wife and I enjoy this, also at $7 I think it’s the cheapest game on KS at the moment. You really can’t go wrong here, I highly recommend it.
@Account Deletion I have to agree with you on the ‘What the Heck?!?!’ regarding Spells of Doom. It seems a very irrational ‘look at our green bar’ move.
To play the Game of Kickstarter campaigns need to consider all their moving parts. Price points vs components vs goal vs stretch ladder. First 48 vs the Final 48 Endgame. Campaign energy and momentum as a whole to get one through the long laggy Middlelands.
I mentioned the other week about my leery eye toward the new trend of the ‘Magical 1K Card Game’ (or even a 5K Card Game). It gives me pause.
The 2.5K of The Captain is Dead I could reconcile. They are The Game Crafter print on demand. That was their start-up and the pledges print the games.
The 7K of Ghosts Love Candy was even on the modest side in my book – but it is just a ‘card game’ with some tokens and 5th Street has been to the rodeo.
But Spells of Doom‘s new push makes little sense to me. It isn’t some ‘little card game’. Even if ‘the work is done’ – there’ a board, plastic, and a $60 price point. I felt their old 20K was on the modest side. Now they are playing the ‘anti-Rive‘ game? *eep* It is a dangerous die roll and if they fund they might not be ‘locked’ at the moment, but it will be a doom speller to not be in a vastly better position at Endgame. 🙁
My Rollovers
The Captain is Dead I hope they make 100K 🙂 They deserve it
Harbour and Tiny Epic Defenders because they are like…Kickstarter Free!
Through the Ages and Dungeon Lords Established games playing the ‘You might as well get us now card’
*Toes Crossed* For
Shadows of Arkham I think they just happened to pick a bad time to campaign. Last one to the $20 ‘micro’ party 🙁
The Shadows over Westminster I really can’t say they are doing anything wrong (aside from not being particularly exciting). I mean ‘Max Temkin’ likes ’em and he’s an ‘I reskinned Apples to Apples’ gamer hero! 😛
The ‘Not Dead, but Not Kicking’ Awards go to…
Clash:Dawn of Steam An object (and abject) lesson in the dangers of Silent Running
Ants:The Board Game You look reallllyyy pretty and interesting, but….$75 to $85???? This isn’t Mice and Mystics!
New Prospects
District-Z (watching) I’m glad @Jim popped them on the list – I have to respect a game that is going to both ride the coattails and jump in front of the train that is Cool Mini Million Zombicide
Speaking of which The Boy continues to mull over Yomi, his precious Zombicide (can’t wait to see the Endgame on that one – I’m not speaking of funding, but ADD-ONS :P), and probably Shadows over Normandie since he is Mr. Tides of Iron (but YEOWCH! EXPENSIVE!!!)
Historia is the only one I am backing. It seems to be the epic but relatively quick civ game I have been looking for.
Currently backing:
Zombicide Season 3 No brainer! (HA! I kill me!)
New Dawn This is the thematic sequal to Artipia’s Among the Stars. They just posted the beta rules on the project page today.
Stonemaier Games’ Treasure Chest. The shiny bits from the Euphoria KS were really snazzy, so having more to bling out other games with these high-quality bits will be great. My copy of Keyflower won’t be using wooden cylinders for much longer. And the price on the set of tokens is pretty attractive, considering they’ll almost double once they’re available through Stonemaier’s website.
Escape from Alcatraz-A Mystery Rummy Game This one’s only got a couple hours left as I post this.
Historia I don’t have any civ games yet, and what’s out there doesn’t excite me much. But this one looks very interesting, especially with the way you develop your civilization by progressing on the board representing what kind of society you’ve developed. And I like the use of the action selection cards.
Penny Press Winner of Cards Against Humanity’s Tabletop Deathmatch competition. A very unique theme and some interesting mechanics makes this stand out for me.
My carryovers: Ghosts Love Candy, Penny Press, The Captain is Dead, Historia, Antidote, and Through the Ages.
Still debating on Tiny Epic Defenders (though for that price, it’s not much of a risk) and Dungeon Lords.
Nothing new caught me this week – first time that’s happened since I joined Kickstarter a few months ago.
UPDATE: For those of you who may or may not know, Primetime Adventures is one of the best Indie RPGs out there (IMO),and it has been OOP for years. It has sold on Ebay for $300+, and is Wil Wheatons’s favorite (if that means anything). It has 4 more days to go on Kickstarter:
Not too many new “must-have” games. I’d already added Zombicide. I’ll have to take a look through everything and assess any new additions.
– Backed –
Penny Press
Captain is Dead
Zombicide 3
Ultimate Battle
New Dawn
Start Player
Tiny Epic Defenders
and Primetime Adventure
District-Z (maybe)
Historia (maybe) This one is interesting, because I was all ready to back it…until I saw Rahdo’s Run Through. Now, not sure.
My carry-overs are Forge War, Escape: Zombie City, The Captain is Dead, Ophir, Harbour, Historia, Luck O’ the Dice, Tiny Epic Defenders, 8 Planets, Through the Ages and Dungeon Lords.
I don’t have any new games backed since last week, but I did re-back Spells of Doom when they abruptly cancelled and relaunched within days. I’m still in because the game looks really good to me… but it is SO off-putting that they cancelled the original campaign – with a $20k funding goal – just to re-launch 48 hours later with an $8k goal to make it more likely to fund. Can they really make the game for $8k? If so, why were they asking for $20k to begin with? Guess I have 30 days to process my feelings…