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The Gold Heart


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42 out of 49 gamers thought this was helpful

A beautifully designed game, with a simple goal: see, do, and buy the most cool stuff. This is a game for 2-5 people, but best played with three or more.

I had played a 2 player game, where you need to move a third meeple for strategic purposes. We found that we just tried to move as slow as possible to try to hit as much as possible to gain victory points, occasionally leaping 1-2 spaces to limit a particular action (completion of a panorama, for instance).

For a game that is simply appreciated and light, I like it, but for my game group, it is not focused with a clear enough goal in mind. While I enjoy having a dope journey going to bathe at the onsen and eating the best ramen (and most) I can find, my friends never seem interested in this kind of casual interaction.

I would steer people with families or people new to board gaming towards Tokaido. This was the first board game I bought since I was little, and I was pleased, whetting my appetite for new experiences.

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