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@Granny, I do really enjoy Nothing Personal, it was just unclear whether it made sense to invest in the expansions so early when I could pay for them next year for less $.
I’ve now gone all in with Dungeon Dice.
@AD, thanks for the head’s up. It is a bit of a jump – I’ll keep watching it to see if anything changes.
Stretch Goals have been revised for Mahayodha. A wonderful set of changes. Makes it quite worth it to pledge- even if you only get the PnP.
I already have both Thebes and Thebes: The Tomb Raiders. Love them both. Can’t see backing the Kickstarter just to get copies of each and a new game.
Kinda interested in March of the Ants… already vested in 8 KS’s, but might kick in for a 9th.
Still watching Maha Yodha and Asking for Trobils.
Pocket Odyssey // AlacaSLAM // Yardmaster //Pirates! // Scallawag (I was really hoping for this, thought more people would be amped for the 2p version).
I’m currently on the fence with Snitch and Capes and Villains, just can’t decide.
@Kaleb – Granny nailed it on the game, but about the cost… I wouldn’t be backing now if I missed the first campaign. They’re charging $89 for everything in the first campaign plus two new maps… For those that backed both campaigns, you’ll get all of it for $60. A $29 penalty for missing the first Kickstarter – which ended only a month (or so) ago – seems awfully punitive.
I backed Town Center because I’ve heard good things about it (check out the Rahdo video link below). It’s a puzzle game that plays from 1 to 8 players (good to have some large number games around). Playing solo looks like it could actually be fun. I would recommend this over Strategem for sure.
For Nothing Personal, you could just wait and purchase the base set (It’s Game Salute right now, and the expansions will be on pre-order sometime after the KS is over). It is a VERY cool game, and you get a lot in the box… you don’t NEED the expansions. I got one expansion on the BGG store for $12 (still available).
I chose Dungeon Dice, because it is a luck-fest that appears to work. All the reviewers seem to like it even though it is really just a push-your-luck game. I think it’s the negotiation mechanic that everyone loves. If you don’t like negotiation…then don’t get Dungeon Dice or Nothing Personal, as interaction is a big part of these games.
I happen to like all kinds of games, and it sounds like you do as well… BUT it sounds like negotiation games may not appeal to you. Tom Vassel designed Nothing Personal, and his favorite game is Cosmic Encounter which has a ton of negotiation. I know some people just don’t like this…so don’t waste your money if negotiation turns you off. If you LIKE negotiation and TAKE THAT games… Nothing Personal is fantastic, and Dungeon Dice looks like a keeper as well.
@Granny & @AD, can you tell me more about Town Center? I was surprised it cost so much to get the main game, which apparently I missed from their prior KS campaign (I completely depend upon this page before backing as another way to get BG $).
While I like Nothing Personal, I still haven’t brought myself to pay $45 for their 2 expansions that arrive in 14 months that I can likely get cheaper then. Even though I get push-back, this is exactly why I prefer some KS exclusive to bring me over. 🙂
@Granny, we have a similar list, but I helped Strategem instead of Dungeon Dice.
I agree with previous assessments of these games. Many good choices here. My budget can’t take it, so I’m only backing Transylvania right now. I’d go for Thebes, March of the Ants, and Dungeon Dice if I could. I’d probably even back Capes and Villains to see how well it stacks up against Sentinals. I love the range of players (1-12) it supports.
It’s probably a good thing I missed the beginning of the Miniature Market Spring Cleaning event or I’d have re-evaluated my support and considered selling a kidney. Now most of the games I would have picked up through MM are already out of stock.
Nothing new… my list is Pocket Odyssey, Town Center: London & Hong Kong, Transylvania, More Castle!, March of the Ants, Thebes, Capes & Villains, The Lord of the Ice Garden (@Granny – I doubt it’s better than Chaos… but if it’s 90% as good, it’ll be one of the better games to come out this year), 12 Realms and Dungeon Dice.
Unfortunately, due to unexpected expenses pertaining to Miniature Market’s “Spring Cleaning” Clearance, I’m probably going to drop a couple of these. I think Pocket Odyssey is the most likely candidate (agree completely with @Granny’s assessment), but the second cut will be more painful. I think I’m leaning toward March of the Ants right now, but I’m hanging in there for another week to see if I sour on one of these other projects first.
I’m also backing Thebes, March of the Ants, Evolution, and add to that Hollywood and Copper Country. (The themes on these definitely helped sell me; add to that my Michigan roots and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Copper Country to make it).
I’m also currently backing 12 Realms for the full set (I missed it the first time), and it looks like it could be fun to play with the nieces/nephews. But I’m not sold yet on the expansion and may be cutting back to just the original game. I’m waiting for them to release images of the rest of the mini sculpts and see what stretch goals get unlocked before I make up my mind.
-Backed –
Yardmaster – a cool little game with some nice upgrades. Excellent value at $15.
Town Hall – an expansion for $10.
Transylvania – I like the traitor mechanism…so this game holds my pledge tightly in its claws.
Thebes – 3 good games for $50…can’t pass up.
March of the Ants – I love the theme, and the game play looks really good. I’m going for it.
Evolution – watched a few game play videos and think this will really be loved by my spouse. This and March are both interesting to a biologist.
Dungeon Dice – I passed on this the last time…all-in now.
Maha Yodha – too beautiful to pass up. I even want the T- shirt.
– Watching –
Pocket Odyssey – it’s just so expensive for a little game.
The Lord of the Ice Garden – expensive…not sure it will be better than Chaos in the Old World. I want some reviews.
I dumped 12 Realms, because the game play looks bland. I also dumped Capes and Villains. I can’t see it taking time away from Sentinels. I will read reviews on it later (it’s funded and doesn’t need my help anymore). Copper Country had my attention, but it’s waining.