Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Board & Card Games

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

Other Board Game Related Projects

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By the way, Chopstick Dexterity Mega Challenge 3000 has allowed you to bundle Coconuts with it, along with many of Mayday Games’ other titles.
Last day for Dig Down Dwarf and Yoink! from 64oz Games’ Blind Games KS. These are too exciting to pass up. Board games for the blind is a very good cause to throw at least a buck behind.
I do hope Allegiance: A Realm Divided gets a little push this week 🙁 I will probably squeak-fund but it looks too good to ‘just fund’. Fans of The Magic take heed!
The Next 48
Treasures and Traps draws to a close. Unlocked some bookkeeping tokens and may unlock some super special dice. You can also pick up Dungeoncraft to go with those nifty just released avatars and the recently campaigned Villains and Villagers with some of the stretchies past
Storyteller Cards:Fantasy A poker deck, a draw-able D-20, and a tiny box full of imagineering – all for $10. There’s also 12 mini games to go along with the card set designed by some friendly faces of the Cardboard Kingdom. You can also get the previous Storyteller deck for another 10 and another set of 12 mini games. Quite a bit of card gaming for your pledge.
Sentinel Tactics It came. It saw. It Sentinel’d. Cardboard Only. Plastic Only. All-In. >G always runs a generous campaign and this is certainly no exception. There’s a lot of Sentinel Love for those well Multiversed. So much so – I had to splinter myself to take it all in. *drooool* The forecast for this Christmas: Absolute Zero!
Westerly just got real ‘desperly’ it seems. *sigh* 🙁
Agents has added a pledge level for backers of their previous campaign. I’m getting all the new expansions and the Fancy Box… because, well, it’s fancy!
I’ve also added Linkage. It looks good, and the designer is a nice guy with oodles of enthusiasm.
Sentinels is almost at the finish line. I’m looking forward to this game quite a bit.
What an amazing couple months on Kickstarter.
I caved and got Sentinels. It looks pretty awesome, and I am looking forward to painting some super hero figures.
So, what is in Bit and Bot’s wallet? Not a whole heck of a lot now!
I’d back Bullfrogs if he’d unlock the frog meeples, rather than having custom bullfrogs and cube frogs. I Liked their page on Facebook but it’s pretty far from goal.
While not completely my kind of game, I kind of want to start teaching my friend’s kid more tabletop games after his awesome Small World experience, and I think Bullfrogs would be a good starter. He’ll dig it more if there are little frogs instead of cubes, though.
Creative Clash hits the Final Final Countdown
9 hours – 6 stretches (bonus cards and wood tokens) – simple $25 dollar pledge – I just pulled a trigger
Time to Don a Draper and let loose the Egos of War!
The Agents launched a campaign 1.5 today and already funded.
There are some new expansions for agents already in the field and a chance to get the ‘original’ campaign and the coveted Le Fancy Box for those who missed out.
(Hopefully they establish a pledge or packet for First Campaigners encompassing the new rules and reprinted errata’d cards. )
@Paladin That Dragon Slayer game looks pretty good for 7 bucks. Indie hasn’t failed me yet.
@thegordonshow Yes… it looks like Bullfrogs has a big jump to make if it wants to fund.
Hey all: if you backed Coup Reformation last week, check your inbox — Indie Cards & Games is offering a discount on their newest Kickstarter dice game project: Dragon Slayer. It looks like it could be a fun filler game, and at $7 it’s not much of a gamble.
Sadly it looks like Bullfrogs may not make it. I definitely don’t see stretch goals happening for it.
I put some money up for Spielbound, and I also backed Bling Bling Gemstone, which is a Tok Tok Woodman variant. The former sounds like a cool thing, especially since I live a few minutes away. The latter has been a household favorite, and the pretty colors will send my little girls into a frenzy.
Ugh! Busy prepping for the nieces – there was no Lazy Kickstarter Brunch this morning – but the boy did mention that Escape Big Box is having an EB flash sale so for another two hours it seems you can get Escape Big Big for EB $70.
Also if you are a fan of The Queen you can grab the other recent Big Box worthy titles through this campaign.
Some interesting games here. I’m tempted to pledge for Sentinel Tactics but I have to blow 140$ to get what I feel is the least I should get (100$ + 40$ for shipping).
And I’ve already supported Heroes Wanted and I can certainly see the similarity for those two games. I’m counting on a friend to back Sentinels so I can try it that way instead. I think….
I don’t really know how I missed this one, but Grim End Manor looks really rad:
It looks like Council of Verona meets Love Letter. It just popped up in my stared items so there’s not much chance. However I recommend you try the three page two player PnP version.
UPDATE: I just played the PnP with my 11 year-old son, he grasped it in seconds and gave me a run for my money. A very solid 15-min game.
Okay, so I just caved and backed creative clash too.
Dunno.. Maybe I’ll do among the stars.. Everything else looks meh to me right now. I think this is the first time in a while where I don’t have any open “bids” or whatever.
I’m surprised that more if you aren’t behind:
Of Mice and Lemmings: Scott Almes is the designer of Tiny Epic Kingdoms and Harbour (my current fave PnP game.
Storyteller cards fantasy: there’s just so much there for $10. Look at all the games they’ve designed.
I’m also in for:
Linkage, good cop bad cop, dig down dwarf (really great fun game), sakura, eggs and empires, bullfrogs, pleasant dreams, little dungeon, and get some. Many of these I’m just in for the PnP version for now.
Then there’s a few I’m on the fence with.
Two dexterity games not listed above are…
Bling Bling Gemstone
Chopstick Dexterity Mega Challenge 3000
These are both worth a look.