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KK Disco

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5 – The Website

52 out of 64 gamers thought this was helpful

Promptly after writing this review, the 8 tips were deleted and the 13 profiles removed. JAGGED AGE has since posted a sincere apology on the discussion page of a game called the Arctic Scavengers. Therefore, I encourage you to judge his reviews based on their content. I’m very happy with how this all turned out and would like to retract my posted 5/10 for and replace it with an 8/10.

So I started my account yesterday, excited to be a part of a site that others in my group utilize.

Once I was all set up, I noticed that one user: JAGGED AGE had just submitted 8 tips about Risk. 30 minutes later, they each had exactly 13 likes. I visited his page and found he had quite a few followers, but about 13 of them had no discussion, reviews, or tips. They also had no effort in their bios like: “I like games.” Jagged Age is obviously exploiting this site for some reason by creating profiles himself then liking and following himself.

People like this immediately discouraged me from using this site, and I advise legit gamers like TSETZUKO and NICKTEN19 to unfollow him and I advise everyone else to dislike his stuff.

If you want proof, check out the Risk tips page and the Risk Discussion page.

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