Eldritch Horror Friday night. We have our monthly game night with another couple and their teen son. Looks like Coup (new) and Ticket to Ride Europe. Probably a game or two of Dead of Winter for two as well this weekend. Looks to be raining, so should get some good game time in.
The only certain gaming I will be doing this weekend is the latest session (and possibly last for the foreseeable future, sadly) of the Edge of the Empire game I am in. While I would love to do more, it seems far more likely that my time will be filled with cleaning and unpacking and things of that nature.
I might at least get some rules reading done…that would be something, right?
With the advent of the eighth new series of Doctor Who and the appearance of new Doctor in the form of Peter Capaldi tomorrow, I am demonstrating Doctor Who Risk: The Dalek Invasion of the Earth at my secondary job.
@X-hawk – May Goren and Shelyn guide your steps. Those Xin-Shalast scenarios are brutal. Also, the Skull & Shackles character sheets are up on the Paizo website if you want to fawning over the new characters. Half-orc war priest, whaaaat?!
I’ll try to get my first pair of heroes (Valeros and Ezren) through Xin-Shalast (2 missions left) and start with my next pair (Seelah and Seoni. My goal is to get as many through the whole adventure path before I get Skulls and Shackels.
It’s a cloudy day in Denver and treachery is in the air. Tonight we’re hosting sessions of Betrayal at House on the Hill and Dead of Winter.
Tomorrow and Sunday mornings will be Pathfinder ACG. Only seven more scenarios to go. Skull & Shackles should arrive next week and we’re going to jump right in!
I may do some more play tests of my “8-Bit Swordsman: Clash For the Prism of Punishment” kickstarter game, but other than that it might be a good time to break out “Sentinels of the Multiverse” or some “Magic: the Gathering” decks.
My Secret Santa in the Reddit Board Game exchange sent me Acquire, Russian Railroads, Guilds of Cadwallon, and Pixel Tactics, so we’ll be playing those all weekend!
I will be playing D&D Lords of Waterdeep plus expansion, with my wife, and one of the new Memoir 44 D-Day Landings maps solo. I really like the D-Day Landing maps. They are large and cut down on setup time that have the starting positions of units printed on the maps.
It’s been pretty much all Pathfinder these days as the husband/wife pair I do most of my gaming with are hooked on this at the moment. Last night we completed the Stone Giants so still 2 adventure packs to go and we’ll see if we can get one step closer this weekend.
Eldritch Horror Friday night. We have our monthly game night with another couple and their teen son. Looks like Coup (new) and Ticket to Ride Europe. Probably a game or two of Dead of Winter for two as well this weekend. Looks to be raining, so should get some good game time in.
Just won a game of D&D Lord’s of water deep with Skullport expansion. Also planning on game of Memoir44 D-Day Landing maps (solo).
The only certain gaming I will be doing this weekend is the latest session (and possibly last for the foreseeable future, sadly) of the Edge of the Empire game I am in. While I would love to do more, it seems far more likely that my time will be filled with cleaning and unpacking and things of that nature.
I might at least get some rules reading done…that would be something, right?
With the advent of the eighth new series of Doctor Who and the appearance of new Doctor in the form of Peter Capaldi tomorrow, I am demonstrating Doctor Who Risk: The Dalek Invasion of the Earth at my secondary job.
@X-hawk – May Goren and Shelyn guide your steps. Those Xin-Shalast scenarios are brutal. Also, the Skull & Shackles character sheets are up on the Paizo website if you want to fawning over the new characters. Half-orc war priest, whaaaat?!
I’ll try to get my first pair of heroes (Valeros and Ezren) through Xin-Shalast (2 missions left) and start with my next pair (Seelah and Seoni. My goal is to get as many through the whole adventure path before I get Skulls and Shackels.
It’s a cloudy day in Denver and treachery is in the air. Tonight we’re hosting sessions of Betrayal at House on the Hill and Dead of Winter.
Tomorrow and Sunday mornings will be Pathfinder ACG. Only seven more scenarios to go. Skull & Shackles should arrive next week and we’re going to jump right in!
I may do some more play tests of my “8-Bit Swordsman: Clash For the Prism of Punishment” kickstarter game, but other than that it might be a good time to break out “Sentinels of the Multiverse” or some “Magic: the Gathering” decks.
My Secret Santa in the Reddit Board Game exchange sent me Acquire, Russian Railroads, Guilds of Cadwallon, and Pixel Tactics, so we’ll be playing those all weekend!
Any of the cool games I picked up at Gen Con… most likely:
* Doomtown
* Pathfinder CG
* Trains & Stations
* Valley of the Kings
* High Command
* Warhammer Conquest
Rainy weekend, its going to be a solo gameboarding weekend for most of it
Just get a discounted copy of Gears of Wars…I will kill Locusts or be killed…
Maybe 1 game of Fortune and Glory and a few games of Race for the Galaxy with the Gathering storm expansion.
I will try to get the family to play 1-2 games of Ticket to ride 10th anniversary
Hopefully lots of stuff. Monthly church game night tonight and yearly get together with college buddies to game tomorrow.
Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures tournament at my local game store on Saturday. Probably 3-5 games, can’t wait! I’m still undecided about my squad though.
I will be playing D&D Lords of Waterdeep plus expansion, with my wife, and one of the new Memoir 44 D-Day Landings maps solo. I really like the D-Day Landing maps. They are large and cut down on setup time that have the starting positions of units printed on the maps.
It’s been pretty much all Pathfinder these days as the husband/wife pair I do most of my gaming with are hooked on this at the moment. Last night we completed the Stone Giants so still 2 adventure packs to go and we’ll see if we can get one step closer this weekend.