John-Silver Bull Games
gamer level 3
1420 xp
1420 xp
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Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.

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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
170 xp
170 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
577 xp
577 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
142 xp
142 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
272 xp
272 xp
About Me
I like learning new games, and I like trying almost anything new when it comes to tabletop and card games with family and friends when I have time. I also design my own occasionally and have been trying my hand at sharing some of my ideas through Kickstarter.
Current Kickstarter Project: "Dice Elementals"
Funded Projects: "Rogues, Gold, and Starships"
Apples to Apples
Apples to Apples is a great game for introducing lighter gamers into a game night group. The rules are not overly complicated, everyone has a hand of red cards, and each turn they play one of these cards that they feel the “currently judging” player will choose best fits the Green card that has been revealed from the deck for the turn. With the number of available cards being in the thousands now (including expansions), games of Apples to Apples often ignore the scoring mechanic and simply play on until everyone gets bored of making as silly of a comparison with the Green cards as they can.
That being said, there is one expansion that takes the gameplay further, and in some ways surpasses the original game design in quality: It is known as Sour Apples to Apples (I believe it originally was a Target exclusive), and while the Penalty Apple that came with it is kind of gimmicky (it penalizes the player who played the card that the Judge selects as the worst comparison), the cards that within it are redesigned. Rather than having separate red/green card decks and being stuck with the top green card each turn, the cards in this expansion are printed with both a green and a red play on each. This mechanic allows the Judge to select from their hand the Green card of their choice for the turn, as they are now played in a similar fashion to red cards!
Unfortunately, the cards in that expansion are limited, and they never updated the other expansions/original game to follow this design. The game itself is still solid and a great introductory party game, but after being around for so many years now and presenting various spin-offs with limited redesigns (Apples to Apples dice, Apples to Apples: The Big Picture, etc.) I believe that some of those redesigns would improve upon the lasting quality of this game.