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Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.

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Review 5 games and receive a total of 140 positive review ratings.
Review 5 games and receive a total of 140 positive review ratings.

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Review 8 games and receive a total of 380 positive review ratings.
Review 8 games and receive a total of 380 positive review ratings.
Settlers of Canaan
Because the board is a one piece board, it is a quick set up. Also the “stones for Jerusalem” add another way to end the game. The king’s blessing is a two point card for the player who has built the most “stones for Jerusalem”. The artwork on the development cards is beautiful. Game play is only slightly different than Settlers games, with one difference that if you tie a player for “longest road”, the 2 point card goes back to the bank. The same with the “most priests” (same as largest army), and “kings blessing”. (In the original settlers rules, the player currently holding onto one of these 2 point cards, keeps it unless someone has more (roads, or knight cards) than they do. The only drawback is that the numbers on the board are static too. I wish they had separate numbers so that the board was at least a little different each time. After a while, people begin to play strategies with this board, try to get the matching 8’s (8 brick and 8 woods) or the 6’s. One way to counter this is to use a set of number disks from a settlers game and put them over the numbers on the board. All in all a fun game with a Biblical feel and theme. My first settlers game!