Gettin' Higgy with It
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Each player is a farmer and the crop of choice is beans – 17 varieties of them. To play this game, you’ll need a total of 2-7 people to compete in the high-stakes profession of bean farming.
Each player is dealt 5 cards. At no point during the game can you rearrange the cards in your hand. The coin to bean ratio is on the bottom of each card. Also given are the number of each variety of that bean in the deck, which can be helpful for all of you who like to count cards (like myself).
You have two imaginary bean fields that you can plant your beans in, but only one variety of bean can be planted in each. When it’s your turn, you play the first bean card in your hand, plus your second card if you wish. You then turn over 2 cards from the deck for everyone to see. You use these, along with the bean cards in your hand, to trade and barter with your fellow farmers.
When all trading is done, you have to plant all the cards you gained or couldn’t trade. Everyone you traded with also has to plant the cards they gained. Since you are forced to plant these cards you may have to dig up one or more of your bean fields. Once everyone is settled, you draw 3 cards from the deck that go in the back in of your hand (remember you have to keep them in order). It’s now the next player’s turn.
Once you have enough beans to cash in, you dig them up and collect your pay. Once you have enough money, you can add a third bean field, which is extremely helpful. Once the deck runs out, you then reshuffle all the used and dug up bean cards and create a new deck. You do this up to 2 times depending on how many players there are. At the end of the game, everyone counts their coins and whoever is the richest farmer is the king, or queen, of beans.
What do I like about this game?
Personally I love the trading aspect of it. My family can get into some very lively trade deals and that makes for some interesting game nights. I especially enjoy trying to pull off some obscure trades. But hey, that’s why I’m the Supreme World Leader of Bean Farmers.
What don’t I like about this game?
It’s tough to play with someone that isn’t completely invested in the trading aspect. Also, patience is a must since some people take longer to make deals than others. But these are minor things and are more related to your fellow players than the game itself.
All in all, this game is fun to play and depending on how many people are playing, it’s a good hour of gaming entertainment.
Check out our video review: Gettin’ Higgy with Bohnanza