gamer level 4
1837 xp
1837 xp
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Earn Professor XP to level up by completing Professor Quests!

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Follow a total of 10 other gamers.

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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
600 xp
600 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
487 xp
487 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
126 xp
126 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
162 xp
162 xp
About Me
Smash up. A lot of Smash up. Past that. Anything I can get my hands on. Love deck builders such as Dominion(Duh) and High Command. Anything that lets me have a good time with good people.
Magic: The Gathering
No two ways about it. This is the most popular CCG in existence. And for good reason. If you have never played Magic odds are you have at least heard of it. It gets pricey, but that doesn’t make it a bad game. With years of cards and multiple formats to play this game will stay fresh and exciting for probably as long as gaming is around. It isn’t the easiest game to get the hang of but don’t let that detour you. Once you catch on you will be amazed at just how much you can do and how cleaver you really are. This is a great game for all types of players. It is a great social game and an amazing brain workout. If you have never played Magic before, I cannot recommend enough picking up a deck at your local store and just diving in.