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Adventure Time Card Wars
I was confused by this Explodable this time because it looked like the same game. I know Adventureland is on many games at the store because I guess it makes people buy it. I did play Adventureland for a Muchkin but when I read what they were talking about this was not that. I know there are more packages for this than is on the list so people will buy it who like Adventureland. I can understand because if Drizzt was on a Love Letter I would put it in my pocket.
Reading this game it is something I played. It is like Magic Cards but something easier. Everyone has the decks for the Adventureland people on the list. The story above tells you how to play which is fine. Magoc Cards os very hard and this is easier but it is not too easy to play and you will lose if you play against someone who is a better player. This is why I only played it once and did not try cards for another person on the list.
At the store they have a game with the Adventureland vampire girl who I like for this. But I will not play it against someone who is better even if I like the girl.