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For anyone looking to speed up thier games, and more specifically thier dice rolling, may I suggest using different colored dice. Using multiple colored dice you will be able to roll “to hit”, “to damage” and even the location of the damage all at once. With this technique 3 independent rolls become 1.
This rolling technique is used at most major tournaments and events. Just make sure you are clear to your opponent what you are doing when you roll and of course never ever change colors of which dice mean which.
I personally use 2+ white dice (with black dots) “to hit”, 2+ black dice “to damage” and 1 red die for where that damage is applied.
This tip works eqully as well in Warmachines companion Hordes.
I have roleplayed in the Iron Kingdoms, the setting for Warmachine & Hordes, for over a decade. The setting was originally made for the d20 adventure series The Witchfire Trilogy. Two years ago, Privateer Press released a new system for roleplaying in the Iron Kingdoms based on the Warmachine rules. A great advantage to this is that if you like the wargame, learning the RPG is simple. And you can use the same models, with the same stat cards! It allows you to scratch your wargaming & roleplaying itches together. Plus, you can make more dynamic casual scenarios with solos built from the IKRPG rules.
It took me at least a dozen games to fully realize the power of keeping focus on your warcaster to improve his or her armor rating. I would tend to use it all on spells or warjacks and wonder why my warcaster kept getting assassinated. Even only a few extra points of armor makes a world of difference.
One mistake many players make is forgetting the power attacks their warjacks can do because they aren’t listed on any of their unit cards — don’t. ‘Jack power attacks are often the most reliable way to knock other models down, and knocking tough models down is the best way to kill or circumvent them, especially your opponent’s warcaster. It doesn’t matter how hard your opponent’s caster is to hit, he’ll hit the ground when he gets a bonejack Slammed into his face. Don’t be afraid to Throw or Slam your own units if it means knocking down one of your opponent’s best models!
First and foremost WE WANT YOU TO COME PLAY!!! The Privateer Press community is extremely Noob friendly, though we understand that Table Top Minis games, in general, are not. Here is a brief guide, contact me if you want some more detailed advice.
Step1: Get your hands on a rule book. It doesn’t matter if its the current edition or not- what you need is access to the “fluff”. Read the stories and the background of the world and its factions- become a fan of someone, once you’re committed get the latest Core Rule Book.
Step2: buy a deck for your favorite faction, put together a small battle unit and play with whatever you have as proxies for your models. Don’t just play once– play a few times, maybe even try another faction.
Step3: purchase your army model by model, keep playing throughout, put them together and paint them as you buy them. THIS WILL TAKE TIME, and that’s ok.
The next thing you know you’re talking tactics, creating alternate battle units to use in different scenarios, and having a blast all the while.
Many warcasters are melee oriented and love being in the thick of battle. Hold them back for a few turns until you have managed to thin out your opponent. If you charge them in from the start, you’ll usually end up with a dead warcaster.
There are a lot of specialized units in this game and a lot of different rules that you need to learn in order to create competitive lists. There are two ways I see to do this;
1. Read
Read, read, read. There are a lot of army books and all of them are a fun read with great fluff and wonderful illustrations, read them and learn each of the armies strength and weaknesses. Another helpful place to look is the online forums.
2. Play
Play, play, play. Learn units by playing against them and what you wish you had brought to the table. This is my preferred learning method and I find it extremely helpful. I learn so much more from a loss than a win.
Painted miniatures always look better on the table. I personally got into Warmachine & Hordes through roleplaying and the hobby aspect, and that has always been important for me. Even if you don’t consider yourself a great painter, a handful of basic techniques can make your models look good. One method to get your models looking tabletop-ready quick is to do basecoats, and then use a “dip”. This both adds shading, and seals the model. A can of Minwax Polyshades Black Satin can be picked up in the hardware section of any store, is under ten bucks and well worth the price. Since it’s also polyurethane, it protects both the paintjob, and makes the model itself more durable. It’s a quick and inexpensive alternative to spending hours per model. Though to be honest, I enjoy that part. 🙂