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Review 8 games and receive a total of 380 positive review ratings.
Review 8 games and receive a total of 380 positive review ratings.

Critic - Level 3
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About Me
I play all sorts of games my current favorites are Mansions of Madness, Run for your Life, Candyman, Pandemic, Letters from Whitechapel, The Legend of Drizzt, The Firefly boardgame,Gloom, Pillage and Plunder and I have a whole bunch I still need to try out. I am especially interested in Yggdrasil and Miskatonic School for Girls. I also play RPGs, mainly GURPS right now but I love Pathfinder and Call of Cthulhu, and I enjoy video games currently eyeball deep in Skyrim. I am lucky to work at an awesome game store which means I get to hear about new games quickly and my co-workers all geek-out over games right along with me. ^_^
This game is hysterical. Better with more players but can be played with just 3 or 4 and so easy to learn! This is a good one for people who don’t necessarily want to get into complicated or long games and it is spot-on for a friendly bunch of geeks or a geeky family like ours.
Everyone gets dealt a hand and then constructs the best “fighter” they can make with a character card and an attribute card plus a random attribute from the deck. The random card can really add hilarity with things like “jellyfish for hands” or “afraid of water.” That second one really gimped my shark with a chainsaw, I lost the fight instantly. Reading the combinations can be fun but it’s the arguing about who would win in a fight that makes the game so entertaining. We played with our kids over xmas break and were all laughing nearly the whole time. Players face off against each other 2 at a time and lay out their arguments or justifications as to why their fighter would win and then everyone votes to decide the winner… who faces off against the next player and round and round it goes. If there is a tie or deadlock each player draws randomly from the deck in a “fight to the death.” I’m not sure the rules on this point are fleshed out enough so we kind of made up how to do it. Still, entertaining as*.