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As the box says, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. This is a wonderful game that requires equal parts imagination and knowing your friends.
Like others have stated, this game is similar to “Apples to Apples” in its mechanics. each player has a hand of cards, and on their turn, they describe one and put it down. Everyone else tries to match that description with a card of their own to trick the other players while trying to guess which card was being described in the first place. The description can be as short as a few words, or an entire story.
It really helps to be able to guess what someone put down based on not only their clue, but how it fits their personality. For example, once my friend said “a burglar”, and even though there were many other cards that represented that description, the one she put down ended up being a boy and a dragon- she is a huge Lord of the Rings fan.
My one complaint about this game is that the original only comes with a few cards, so you kind of have to buy an expansion to fill up the box and give it more replay value. However, Dixit is never quite the same game and is great to play over and over again.