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About Me
I'm pretty new to the board game craze. It all sort of started when I had some friends over and as the conversation started to wane someone said "what we need is a board game to play" I managed to find one and a couple of decks of cards and the next thing we knew we were organising regular gaming days instead of catch ups!
Forbidden Desert
One line impression and recommendation:
A surprisingly challenging coop adventure that’s still easy enough to introduce to kids to the idea of working together.
Highly Recommended.
How to play:
Your intrepid party of explorers have been stranded in a mysterious desert ruin by a raging sandstorm. It’s a race against time to collect the parts of an ancient flying machine in order to escape. Each player has four actions per turn allowing them to move, clear sand, excavate a tile or pick up a part of the flying machine. In addition, each character has special abilities which may allow variation from the standard rules and gear cards may be obtained to make your game a little more manageable. After the end of each player’s turn, the storm plays, shifting the board pieces around and depositing more sand. There is also the added risk that it may increase in intensity or the sun will beat down forcing you to drink your dwindling water supply.
Forbidden Desert was a surprise hit for me, my other half borrowed it from a friend and the first time we played we almost put it away thinking it was far too simple. Then I re-read the rules and realised we’d been playing it wrong (only playing the storm after we’d both had our turns instead of after every turn). We played it again and realised it was a lot more fun than we first thought. With two players it’s challenging but still quite winnable, with four to five players however, we’ve found it very difficult and are yet to win a game with a larger number of players.
We’ve played Forbidden Desert with our usual group of test subjects; our gaming friends and the in-laws, and found it was well received by both groups. A note of caution however, this is not a game to play conservatively. After explaining all the ways to lose to my gaming friends (dehydration, being buried alive in sand, or the storm reaching the maximum intensity) they latched onto dehydration as the biggest threat and refused to stray too far from the water source. This meant we couldn’t clear and excavate enough of the board and we all drowned in sand.
I insisted on introducing it to our niece when playing at the in-laws, the age suggestion on the box says 10+ but Little Miss 9 had no problems picking it up and I think you could easily go younger. I thought it would be good to introduce the idea of working together in order to win as a way of tempering her strong competitive streak. It worked. She went from, “I’m going to win and get out on my own” to “Oh, I guess Mummy needs more water” after gently explaining that if anyone died we all lost. My husband thought she’d struggle to understand, but as it’s a cooperative game you can discuss the options each turn with children and they still feel like they’re playing independently.
The game itself is surprisingly good quality for such an affordable price. The desert tiles and sand tokens are made of a heavy board and the flying machine is a robust little model that can stand up to all the putting together and pulling apart. The only thing I felt could be better was the thickness of the playing cards. These are quite thin and show wear very easily. This is likely to be the biggest problem with the character cards as there’s a little plastic marker to indicate your current water level. Clipping this on and off and sliding it up and down may damage these cards quickly without due care. The box itself is designed quite well with a moulded insert that everything fits into very nicely.
I might be going against the majority opinion here, but I think I actually prefer Forbidden Desert to Pandemic. I’ve had much more fun trying to escape the desert than I’ve ever had curing diseases. I suspect it’s the theme which appeals to me, I’m a scientist in real life so I prefer something more fantastic in my down time. We’ve since had to give Forbidden Desert back to its owner but I’ll be looking out for a copy to add to our own games collection and it’s now firmly on my wish list.