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Merchants & Marauders
My wife and I love this game. It is one of the few games that is just as fun with 2 as it is with 4. It is well balanced and always feels like a different game each time we play.
You take on the role of a ship captain from one of four nations. You can either be a merchant by buying and selling goods or you can be the pirate (marauder)by attacking NPCs or other players.
This is balanced in that my wife always plays the merchant and I typically play the pirate. We both have won playing our strategies within these roles.
The new game feel comes from the event cards that change aspects of the game. They either create storms, start wars (or end them), bring out NPC captains etc. Plus the game comes with plenty of different captains to play. I have yet to play a captain twice.
An overall great game and I would love to see more for this game!!