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Baron / Baroness
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This is a fun fast-paced dice game. 2 – 4 people can play. It’s family friendly. It helps kids learn how to count up their points and do it quickly as well.
Everyone gets to roll the dice! The players get black dice that have guns, sleeping bags with sleeping campers and campers running. There are another set of dice that have tents and bears on them. The object of the game is to eliminate the bears as quickly as possible.
So if you have 3 guns, you can grab 3 bear dice after all the dice has been rolled. When a player is completely finished pairing up the tents and bears with their dice AND all of the bear dice are gone, they can yell: “No More Bears!” and everyone else has to stop matching up their dice.
It’s quick, it’s fun and easy and the kids LOVE IT!