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Hmmm ... nothing yet ... maybe ScoobyThulu doesn't play games that much (or maybe ScoobyThulu doesn't realize that BG Gold can be earned by playing games (hint hint).

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Four Taverns
I played this at Gen Con, it is a card based game and I really enjoyed it. Truth be told I would like to play it more to really “get” it’s replayability. You play competing Innkeepers, trying to get the adventuring party to come to your tavern and spend their loot. There are some “screw with the other players” type cards but I think it would benefit from some more humor ala Red Dragon Inn. That said I still liked it and I think I would like it more if I did more than just demo it. I know this review doesn’t sound particularly helpful but I guess what I’m saying is that I liked it but might like it more if I played it more. However, there is a chance I might not? I think the game is missing some kind of punch to move it from good to great.